So another Apple special event has come and gone and we're left with the usual mixed bag of reactions. No tablet, no flying car, no iPod Touch with a camera, heck, even no word on the Beatles.
The usual cries of "Meh!"
But just step back for a moment and ponder what Apple actually announced yesterday and more importantly what it took to put it all in place.
I'm sure it wasn't planned in a single meeting but imagine for a second if it was...
OK, so here's the plan.
Let's re-design and re-architect the iTunes Music store. We'll have a completely new look and feel and lets swap out some of the underlying architecture. Might as well add in some new media formats whilst we're at it, you know, like DVD extras but for Music, like we had on LPs. May as well add in some extras for Movies whilst we're at it. Just knock up the format and start negotiations with the record and movie companies and put in place the process to start gathering the extra content. Better put some kick ass design resource in place to make them look beautiful. Oh. and check with the infrastructure guys for sizing and delivery implications.
By the way, this baby generates serious revenue and is a high profile service, just make sure you can flip a switch for the changeover.
Let's go with a new Desktop client to go with the updated store. Again, let's give it a radical change to the look and feel and build in support for the new media formats. One thing that's been bugging me, and that's media sharing. We really need to be able to share media around the home. Now that the DRM has been removed, lets add in the functionality to share media between a number of Macs.
No, not a central library, lets make it bidirectional so you can freely share files locally.
Yes, movies and TV shows as well!
Better get someone onto further negotiations with the record companies... tell you what, let them have their ringtones they've been banging on about for ages. Oh, and can we make it seamless and simple to use. Best come up with some way to automate the sharing of newly purchased media between Macs as well.
You know, the Genius playlist feature is great but sometimes I want to just play a mix of songs. Get someone to engineer a new way of choosing music based on all the data we've collected. We'll need a new interface and some new way of assembling artwork. It needs to integrate with the data at the backend.
You'd better get the iPhone dev guys involved to add some support in the new 3.1 release. We'll need to add in support for the new Genius stuff in the iPod app. Actually, thinking about iPhone apps, can we finally put in some code to allow users to manage their iPhone applications from the desktop. Get the iTunes guys and iPhone devs to put it in the new desktop client. Something simple with drag and drop to re-organise the iPhone application icons.
Thinking on, wouldn't it be neat to use Genius with the AppStore. Get the iPhone devs and the App Store devs to come up with a scheme to suggest apps based on current apps purchased. There'll be a ton of backend stuff and we'll need the App Store application updating on the Phone.
Just going back to the desktop client, can we "beef up" the synchronisation with the iPhone and Apple TV whilst we're at it. Let's add some extra features and give more control over what is synced, just for example, we've got faces in iPhoto, why not allow them to sync based on that.
Of course, if we're changing the desktop app we'll need to get the iPhone remote app re-written to support the new features.
We need to look at introducing some new hardware for the Christmas market.
Tell you what, keep the iPod touch feature set the same but re-engineer the top models to have the new 3GS chipsets for speed and bump up the top memory option to 64GB. Keep the 8GB as is, but drop the price. As far as the Nano is concerned, lets add in a video camera at no extra cost, yeah, a microphone as well.
No, keep the form factor the same, but make the screen bigger. While you're redesigning the internals, you might want to throw in an FM tuner as well. Can you make it buffer so you can pause and rewind live radio? Cool! The main thing though is to make it possible to tag music on the radio, so that they can buy it from the iTunes store. Best get the Nano software teams to co-ordinate with the backend guys. Might as well look at some new colours whilst you're at it. Don't forget, these all need to be designed, prototyped, tested, approved, manufactured and into the supply chain for immediate release globally at the same time as all the other changes.
Best think of something for the MobileMe devs, don't want to leave them out... I know, assign a passcode on your device via MobileMe. Work that into the 3.1 release and update the MobileMe infrastructure at the same time.
There's some other stuff that needs to go into the 3.1 release such as enhancing Voice Control and Accessibility but you know what needs to be done there.
OK, That should probably do it.
As usual, all this needs to be done in absolute secrecy.
As far as timing, let's aim for two weeks after the Snow Leopard release. That should give us enough time for the final preparations.
I need all the backend systems, the new media formats, the iPhone and iPod touch firmware, the new iTunes app, the updated iPhone apps, the new software for the devices, the devices themselves manufactured and in the supply chain, along with the Apple website changes, the supporting marketing and advertising collateral, and a couple of TV ads.
I need all this ready to flip the switch on 9th September.
This all goes out as one update people so it needs to work as one.
I really can't think of another company audacious enough to pull something like this off on a regular basis and execute it so well.
Truly awesome...
"Meh" indeed!
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