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It's all in the execution..

or not as might be!

Lots of talk and speculation of how Apple are going to be beaten to the punch with the absence of the Apple tablet, and how other companies are going to bring out similar devices before them.

If the HP Dreamscreen is typical of the perceived "threat" I don't think they've got to much to worry about!

 I mean, really, what a terrible execution of a cool idea? 

Naff interface, naff video (what? it supports JPG, PNG and BMP - wow!), no touchscreen - seriously?

I can hear the howls of derision from Cupertino from here!


Reader Comments (7)

You have to admit that the table is nice though!

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterColin Barrett

I don't think Apple has anything to worry about if that's what people expect a tablet computer to be. The 'Dreamscreen' looks like it's just a big remote control. The tablet from Apple or anyone else that does it right will give you the functionality of a computer, in the least it will work like the iphone or iPod Touch.

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Wow, what a terrible product. Glorified digital photo frame.

Having said that, Apple's tablet will be a flop as well.

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBobRudge

You all do realize that this is just a digital photo frame... my very old Canon Photoframe does video and music and photos... Thanks for the giggle Don, but you underestimate HP

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterClaus

Yes Claus, you know that and I know that, but some parts of the media are clueless! As per this link...Mashable

September 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

As Bob suggests, my impression is that this is just a souped-up digital photo frame doobrie. Is it marketed as a tablet device?

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSimon Wolf

I've updated the original post. Transpires that this is not being marketed as a tablet device but as a Digital photoframe by HP.

Still pretty naff though!

September 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

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