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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in squarespace (1)


I've been Squarespaced...

New blog!

Ok, so not so new...

I had a few issues with the Wordpress blog overnight which looks like the result of the site being hacked. Don't ask me how or why, the Wordpress instance was on a separate account on my dedicated server, all the plugins were up to date, (except for one) and I was running the latest version of WordPress. I'd updated the version before all the recent hacking reports so I'm a bit non-plused as to how it happened.

Must admit though, I'd been meaning to revamp the Wordpress blog for a while but it was one of those things I kept putting off. The thought of trawling through all those WP themes....

So the events of last night were an impetus to get off my butt and sort something out. I'd checked out Squarespace before and was impressed. The thing that swung it for me was the Wordpress import features. It only took me a couple of hours from scratch to import all my Wordpress posts and graphics. Most of that time was getting used to the features of Squarespace, of which I've not even scratched the surface.

For full disclosure, I've no affiliate or any working arrangements with the Squarespace guys, heck, I even forgot to use one of the discount codes available from MacBreak or Tekzilla - d'oh!

Just a word of warning though. I really wanted to move quickly, so the appearance of the site may (will!) change over time as I get more familiar with the Squarespace interface and its capabilities.

I've also not been able to move across the user accounts over from Wordpress although all the comments have come over properly attributed as best I can see. The new blog is setup not to allow unmoderated comments so if you'd like to comment, please feel free but it may take a short while for it to appear.

I'll let you know how I get on as play a bit more!