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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Mac Roundtable (6)


Back from Macworld 2010...

....and just starting to get back into the swing.

Will probably start my regular daily blog posting and video comments next week to allow me some time to get this weeks show in the can and published.

In the meantime, my good friend Chuck Joiner has just published the audio and video to the live macRoundtable we did at Macworld 2010.

Check it out here:

Live MacRoundtable Session


Thanks Chuck!


Live Mac Roundtable at Macworld

Typical Mac User Podcast » The macround table crew to record Live at Macworld Expo.pngGetting back into the swing of things following Christmas (I hope you and yours have a great time!) and getting ready for New year and then immediately following that - Macworld 2009! There's a couple of events I'll be attending or participating in, but one recent addition is the inclusion of a live Mac Roundtable recording at Macworld. We knew some of the crew would be getting together at Macworld but we only decided to approach IDG just before Christmas to see if there was anything we could do for us at the last minute. To our delight and suprise, they were able to offer us a free slot at the Macworld Learning Center Booth (# 3236) in North Hall on Wednesday 7th January between 4:00-5:00pm Thank you IDG!!! Up to now, we have the following confirmed members of the crew making an appearance for the live recording: Allison Sheridan: NosillaCast Chuck Joiner (prov): Katie Floyd: Don McAllister: David Sparks: Victor Cajiao typicalmacuser Adam Christianson The Maccast We've not yet finalised the format of the show, but I would imagine we'll be chatting about what we've seen at the show and the usual small talk! If you're at Macworld we would love you to come along and say hello. Baring an technical issues, we'll be recording and publishing the show on the Mac Roundtable feed soon after.

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Back in Blighty!

Back from my travels! All I need to do is catch up with unpacking, sorting out all my photos and videos, catch up on emails, catch up with the ScreenCastsOnline forum, read all my RSS feeds, get well, revisit some projects I suspended until after MacMania8, prepare for this weeks show, take my son for a University visit on Wednesday, record and edition episode of MacRoundtable tonight (if my voice holds out) and lots of other stuff! Yes, pretty much back to normal!

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Mac Roundtable - 46

Mac Roundtable Podcast.pngI don't normally pimp the Mac Roundtable on the blog but this episode is worthy of pimping! Due to technical problems, i.e. I didn't double check my Skype recording, the usual master audio copy I use to publish the show only ended up with a single vocal on - mine! Never fear as Chuck, Dave and Bart all had the good sense to make a backup recording - just in case. So I asked for the backups to check which one would be the best to use to edit, when to my horror, I discovered no single backup was good enough to use. Lots of Skype noises and distortion on all the Skype tracks except for the person actually recording locally. Damm! There was no option but to painstakingly assemble all 4 recordings in a multitrack editor, and go through manually selecting the best snippets of each to create a finished podcast. Actually, the final result isn't half bad, in fact it's probably the best sounding Mac Rountable episode ever! But seeing as I went to so much trouble to put it together, I have to insist that you take a listen - Link - or better still, subscribe to the podcast! I certainly won't make that mistake again!

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New Mac Roundtable Episode....

Mac Roundtable Podcast-1.jpgNow I won't do this everytime a new episode is released but just a reminder that the latest episode of the Mac Roundtable has just been released. I make another appearance but I'm not sure if I'll be up to appearing on future mid week episodes but should still be able to make the weekend editions. Unfortunately, due to time zones, the mid week episodes are recorded at 2am UK time! But never say never! Once we were off and running, the time difference didn't really make that much difference and a good time was had by all. Hope you enjoy it! PS Make sure you subscribe to the iTunes feed to get all future episodes

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