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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Promo Projects (1)


RingtoneFeeder Launched

Picturesque.pngCongratulations to Geoff Smith and Klaus Lovgreen on the launch of their new service - RingToneFeeder RingtoneFeeder is a great new service that enables you to subscribe to a weekly fix of original ringtones for the iPhone, all penned by Geoff himself. I heard about this a few weeks ago when Geoff approached me about doing a short video tutorial to help new subscribers sign up for the service and configure iTunes and the iPhone to use the custom ringtones. After having a look at the beta service, I thought it was a great idea and was only too happy to collaborate and produce a video for them. To cut a long story short, I ended up doing two videos! Firstly, a promotional video that you can view when you visit the - This really gives the first time visitor to the site an idea of what the service is all about and how easy it is to sign up and get the custom ringtones. Secondly, a more detailed instructional video that steps you through the process of accessing the feed, setting up a smart playlist and accessing the ringtones on your iPhone. You get this video when you sign up for the members feed. I think Geoff and Klaus have got a brilliant concept and the execution has been amazing. Go over to to check out my promo video (that's two in a month including MacUpdate!) and sign up for the free feed to try a few ringtones out. PS Other than making the videos, I have no affiliation or stake in RingToneFeeder (I wish I had!) I just think it's a great service and I wish Geoff and Klaus the best of luck and great success.

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