One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the global reach of Internet TV and just how easy it is to become your own publisher on the Internet.
The success of ScreenCastsOnline was seeded by having access to powerful, yet relatively inexpensive, tools to create and edit the show. In addition, the availability of low cost distribution provided by such services as Libsyn, and the simplicity of downloading using media players such as iTunes, all contributed to making ScreenCastsOnline an international success and has kept me in gainful employment for the last five years.
However, it's rare that I get the chance to contribute to the local community and in many ways, the success of the show is fairly invisible to my home City of Liverpool.
That's why I was delighted a few weeks ago to be approached by Kris McDonald, one of the masterminds behind Fresh Box TV, to film an interview all about ScreenCastsOnline.
Fresh Box TV is a local initiative aimed at getting younger people in the City interested in video production.
The team have shot a number of video interviews with film makers, writers and producers but all mainly from the more mainstream background. I was asked to provide more of an insight on setting up an internet based venture and using the internet as a distribution mechanism.
It was great meeting Kris, Aaron (sorry for accelerating your desire for an iPad Aaron) and Greg at the Fresh Box TV studio, and they've done a great job in putting the video together. It's now up on the website and you can check it out here.
I hope that the interview may give some of the kids some inspiration to go out and give it a go themselves and kudos to Fresh Box TV for creating such a great resource.