About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Prize Draw (3)


iDeveloper.TV Prize Winners

Despite being away, I was still able to pick the winners of the iDeveloper.TV video training competition that's been running for ScreenCastsOnline Extra members in January.

And the winners are:

  • Michael Anderson
  • Jonathan Isaacs
  • Tony Watkins

We had 420 entries into the prize draw and three random numbers were generated via to select the winners. Emails have been posted and Scotty has been informed.

Thanks for taking part and thanks to Scotty over at iDeveloper.TV for the most generous prize.


Forklift 2 Prize Draw Winners


If you're a regular follower of the show, you'll know I did a prize draw for one of ten free licences to Forklift 2, donated by BinaryNights, at the end of episode SCO0279 - ForkLift 2

Well the deadline has passed and we had 449 entries - not too shabby!

Utilising the excellent service, I created a set of 10 random numbers:

This equated to the 10 luck winners below (based on their position in my email folder):

  • Jason Lord
  • Brian Engquist
  • Henk 't Hart
  • Howard Fuller
  • David Free
  • Christopher Hall
  • Stefan Jung
  • Charlie P. Lenglez
  • Sherman Cheong
  • Peter Clarke


I've sent the names and emails off to the ForkLift 2 developers and they should be getting in touch very soon!



ScreenCastsOnline Prize Draw - June 2008

35B7C4E9-3E00-4F87-B214-A238A834DF15.jpgI've started up a new prize draw as from June 2008 for new members joining ScreenCastsOnline each month and existing members who renew during the same month. The prizes are pretty spectacular (OK, well I think they are!) and for June 2008 include: First Prize

  • 1GB iPod Shuffle ($49 value)
  • 5 Year ScreenCastsOnline Charter Membership ($199 value)
  • Full Set of ScreenCastsOnline DVDs ($30 value)
  • A new ScreenCastsOnline Archive DVD each year ($65 value)
  • ScreenCastsOnline BaseBall Cap ($14 value)
Second and Third Prize
  • Full Set of ScreenCastsOnline DVDs ($30 value)
  • ScreenCastsOnline BaseBall Cap ($14 value)
The way it works is that I create a separate mailbox and copy in all the email confirmations from new members and renewing members. I then switch on the email numbers so each has a unique number and then use the "Research Randomiser" website to generate three unique numbers. So for June 2008, the winners are: First Prize: Dominique Provost from Belgium [Renewing Member] Second Prize: Thomas Sparrow from USA [Renewing Member] Third Prize: Alain Gauthier from Canada [Renewing Member] So by the completely random nature of the draw, it's all renewing members this month! I'll be running the prize draw each month continuing with July so if you sign up as a new ScreenCastsOnline member or if you renew your membership in July, you'll automatically be entered into the prize draw. If you're a mac related vendor and would like to sponsor the monthly prize draw or donate some prizes, please drop me a line at

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