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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Podcast Expo 2007 (8)


Interview - Struggling Entrepreneur

I don't usually cross post on my blogs but this is a link to my other blog where I've posted a link to an interview I did with Fred Castaneda, host of the “Gain Control of Your Day” and “The Struggling Entrepreneur” Podcasts. Fred interviewed me during the Podcast and New Media Expo in Ontario back in September. It's mainly about the business side of podcasting but you may find it interesting! Thanks Fred! Link

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Blushing at the Airport!

Sitting outside the gate at Ontario International Airport waiting for my first flight to Atlanta. Bought a t-Mobile day pass for $9.99 so I can check my mail and send a few tweets. Seeing as I had my notebook out, I thought I'd catch up on some podcasts and tuned into Allisons Nosillacast podcast to see what she was saying about me! I can feel my face going red as I listen! Thanks so much for the comments on the presentation Allison, I sweated long and hard putting it together and it caused me a lot of anxiety delivering to an audience of my peers. The fact that it has been so well received was extremely rewarding and makes all the hard work worthwhile. If you want to hear what she says, check out her nosillacast podcast. I really suggest you listen to it all as she gives a great review of the whole Expo experience, my 15 minutes of fame is around the 15 minute mark. As an aside, I travelled from the Hotel to the Airport with P.W.Fenton and Andy Mc from Slashdot. Andy had been recommended to check out my session and had bought the video that appeared on sale at the Expo. How cool is that! Gotta go, just about to board. Thanks again Allison.

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What do you get when 4 Mac geeks go out to dinner?

NosillaCast @ iPhones of course! Guess which one is mine ;-) Picture is courtesy of Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Podcast. As well as Alison and myself, the other iPhones belonged to John Chambers (of the one minute tip) and Ron (Allisons friend) Allison has put together a great summary post all about the Expo here and has recorded a podcast all about it. Thanks for the great comments Allison, I'll give you that $100 next time I see you ;-) Seriously, I had a blast and it was great to meet up with Allison, John and Ron

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Winding down from the PNME

Well, it's the last day of the Podcasting and New Media Expo here in Ontario, California. It must be the last day as I've only just managed to get my sleep patterns into line and I'm off back home tomorrow. Tim and Emile do a fantastic job of arranging the expo and this year was no exception. It's always difficult to blog with so much going on so this year, I tended to restrict it to micro blogging via Twitter. I'm really liking twitter as a super immediate form of communication, although it's always weird to see a tweet come in from someone sitting next to you instead of across the ocean. Highlights of the week for me:

  • Meeting such a great bunch of people - I won't name names as I'll only miss someone out but it's really great hanging out with a bunch of passionate, like minded people.
  • Getting my iPhone - Ok, so they upgraded the firmware on the day I picked it up, but I was able to activate the iPod and wifi features without unlocking the phone itself. It's everything I thought it would be and more - the screen is to die for and the touch screen just blows me away. From never seeing an iPhone to seeing every other person with one was a bit of a surreal experience. Many thanks to Victor (from the Typical Mac user Podcast) and Adam (from the Maccast) for taking the time out on Thursday to run me to the Apple store. I'll blog more about the iPhone when I get home
  • Being a Speaker - despite the added pressure of giving a presentation this year, I'm really glad I had the opportunity to present. Feedback from the session was extremely positive and it was really good to give something back to the community. All the sessions were recorded and will be available in audio, and this year, in video form too.
  • The Speakers Room - An unexpected benefit was the Speakers Room and the hospitality extended to the speakers. A separate wifi service, breakfast, fresh coffee and lunch provided, it was a great place to retreat from the main expo and chat to the other speakers.
  • iProng Booth - Along with the SoCal and LA Podcasters, Bill Palmer did a great job of putting on the iProng stand and gave away literally thousands of dollars worth of iPod and iPhone accessories. The two hours I spent on the booth probably went by as the fastest two hours in the whole expo and it was great to meet those ScreenCastsOnline viewers that called by to say hello.
  • UK Podcasters Panel - An adhoc panel I was invited onto but I don't think you'll be able to get a copy of the audio and I think I'll leave it at that!
  • Interviews - A couple of interviews which I'll post details of once they are published including an interview with Rob Walsh of Podcast 411 - I've known Rob since the early days of Podcasting yet never been invited onto his show so I'm pleased as punch to have finally "made it". I also was interviewed via a video link by Cali Lewis of but the quality of the video link might mean that won't see the light of day.
  • Podcasting for a living - The experiences of being a professional podcaster and the fact that I've managed to build a successful business using Podcasting counted for a lot and I was more than happy to discuss my experiences with anyone who asked. The dawning realisation that this is achievable and not just a fanciful pipedream was a delight to behold to all that "got it"
There's probably many other highlights that I could jot down but I'll probably save them for another post. So I'm heading back to the UK tomorrow and should arrive early tuesday morning to experience the delights of getting back to UK time. See you in Vegas next year, PNME

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Safely at the Podcast Expo

If you've been following my twitter feed you'll probably know already that I'm safely ensconced in my hotel here in Ontario, California. After an unnecessarily long journey, (a 3 hour wait, 9 hour flight, a 2 hour wait and a 4.5 hour flight - I wish there was a direct connection to Ontario) I made it in late Wednesday evening. After a few hours kip, I'm up and about planning the next few days and catching up on emails and RSS feeds. Busy time ahead as as well as attending the sessions and giving my own presentation tomorrow, I've got a few meeting and interviews with other podcasters. Today is the SoCalPodcamp day, but before that kicks off I'm nipping out to the local AT&T store to pickup an iPhone. I was going to get a cab but Adam from the Maccast has kindly offered to give me a lift! As well as the Podcamp today, I'm meeting with Rob from Podcast 411. To appear on Robs podcast about podcasters is a bit of a badge of honour so I'm really looking forward to that and I won't brow beat him too much as to why it's taken so long to get me on ;-) Tomorrow, there's another short Interview with Cali Lewis of GeekBrief TV fame although she can't make it in person due to German measles - eek! - It'll be a quick 15 minutes via a remote link. Saturday, there's the session on the iProng booth between 11:30 and 13:30 and also a chat with Adam and Victor on a special Live talkshow podcast. Once you add into the mix the general sessions, the show floor and the various meetups and "ahem" after hours networking events, I'll be grateful for the long flight(s) home to catch up with myself. I'll post updates and links along the way so watch this space (plus Twitter)

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