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Blushing at the Airport!

Sitting outside the gate at Ontario International Airport waiting for my first flight to Atlanta.

Bought a t-Mobile day pass for $9.99 so I can check my mail and send a few tweets. Seeing as I had my notebook out, I thought I'd catch up on some podcasts and tuned into Allisons Nosillacast podcast to see what she was saying about me!

I can feel my face going red as I listen!

Thanks so much for the comments on the presentation Allison, I sweated long and hard putting it together and it caused me a lot of anxiety delivering to an audience of my peers. The fact that it has been so well received was extremely rewarding and makes all the hard work worthwhile.

If you want to hear what she says, check out her nosillacast podcast. I really suggest you listen to it all as she gives a great review of the whole Expo experience, my 15 minutes of fame is around the 15 minute mark.

As an aside, I travelled from the Hotel to the Airport with P.W.Fenton and Andy Mc from Slashdot. Andy had been recommended to check out my session and had bought the video that appeared on sale at the Expo. How cool is that!

Gotta go, just about to board.

Thanks again Allison.

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