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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Safely at the Podcast Expo

If you've been following my twitter feed you'll probably know already that I'm safely ensconced in my hotel here in Ontario, California.

After an unnecessarily long journey, (a 3 hour wait, 9 hour flight, a 2 hour wait and a 4.5 hour flight - I wish there was a direct connection to Ontario) I made it in late Wednesday evening. After a few hours kip, I'm up and about planning the next few days and catching up on emails and RSS feeds.

Busy time ahead as as well as attending the sessions and giving my own presentation tomorrow, I've got a few meeting and interviews with other podcasters.

Today is the SoCalPodcamp day, but before that kicks off I'm nipping out to the local AT&T store to pickup an iPhone. I was going to get a cab but Adam from the Maccast has kindly offered to give me a lift!

As well as the Podcamp today, I'm meeting with Rob from Podcast 411. To appear on Robs podcast about podcasters is a bit of a badge of honour so I'm really looking forward to that and I won't brow beat him too much as to why it's taken so long to get me on ;-)

Tomorrow, there's another short Interview with Cali Lewis of GeekBrief TV fame although she can't make it in person due to German measles - eek! - It'll be a quick 15 minutes via a remote link.

Saturday, there's the session on the iProng booth between 11:30 and 13:30 and also a chat with Adam and Victor on a special Live talkshow podcast.

Once you add into the mix the general sessions, the show floor and the various meetups and "ahem" after hours networking events, I'll be grateful for the long flight(s) home to catch up with myself.

I'll post updates and links along the way so watch this space (plus Twitter)

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