An open letter to all Apple blogs...

Dear fellow Apple bloggers,
Only seven days to go and I'm really enjoying the coverage leading up to the Apple special event, scheduled for 27th January. I think it's pretty much a given now, that Apple will release a "tablet" type device. On the days leading up to the event, I have a couple of requests...
Let's try and keep the rumours and speculation to reasonable levels, so that the inevitable reality shock isn't too great on Wednesday. It's going to be a great product but you have to bare in mind that it will be a version 1 release. Compare the iPhone version 1 to the current 3GS, not just in terms of the hardware performance but also the level of functionality provided by the current release of software. It may take the Apple tablet a few releases to shine. We all know whatever is released on Wednesday will disappoint those with over ambitious expectations, so let's try to set expectations realistically.
The only other request is an important one but one I fear will be impossible to implement. Let's say that you do get a real, actual picture of the device, or concrete evidence of what it's capable of... us all a favour and bury it.
Yes. Just don't publish it!
Pretend it doesn't exist.
Most if not all of the previous events have been spoiled by the early leaking of information about unannounced products. Let's leave this one for Steve, so we can be truly surprised on the day and not be sullied by some blurry photo released a couple of days before.
An impossible request I know.
Perhaps I should just close down Twitter and Safari until Wednesday.