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Simplicity for the iPhone - O2

Following on from a series of tweets I thought I'd put down what I know here so people have a point of reference (and can also correct me if I'm wrong)

Just discovered my iPhone contract ran out last month although O2 didn't actually tell me or remind me.

I rang them over another botch up where they'd put a Data bolt on to my account as requested for my trip to Blogworld last October. They did say they'd cancel it after a month but didn't. Fairly easy to sort out and a refund is being processed.

However, what to do now my iPhone contract is finished?

Well, it transpires I can move to a new 30 day contract reducing my £35 per month to £20 per month. The contract is called Simplicity for iPhone 20. This includes 600 minutes of calls and 1200 text messages plus unlimited data. The operator didn't mention any change to Visual Voicemail or wifi roaming. 

There is a standard Simplicity 20 plan for other phones but this one is specifically for existing iPhone customers coming off the iPhone plan. The standard simplicity 20 plan does not include data.

If you have any further info or links, feel free to drop in the comments.

The £20 per month is still more than I use but it's better for me. I should really be an iPod touch user for the limited amount of time I actually use the phone part of the iPhone but it's just so handy when I do need it!

Bring on the next iPhone, I'm out of contract and ready ;-) 

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Reader Comments (18)

I asked when I switched & was told you will loose Visual Voicemail, BTopenzone & the Cloud

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter@racco

Unlimited data and unlimited WiFi, I was told.

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Parker

Maybe they will surprise us all and announce a new iPhone this Jan, and keep hold of the 'appletabletnotebookthingy' until the summer?

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Isaacs

Interesting, Don! Where does this leave you if (or more, when) Apple bring out a new iPhone? Are you entitled to 'upgrade-level' pricing when it's released, or do you have to cancel and take out a whole new contract?

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSam

thread discussing it here:

and here:

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterh1ro

I moved to Simplicity for iPhone before Christmas. Still got visual voicemail and wi-fi. When I moved to 3GS last summer I intended to move to simplicity in Dec which didn't inlude visual voicemail or wi-fi.

After reading some tweets I phoned and asked to be moved to Simplicity for iPhone which unlike the normal simplicity did include those two features. Also includes 30 day notice which should make upgrading this summer fairly painless. Couple of friends have moved since without issue while retaining all the features they had on the previous contract.

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIan Dick

Thanks for posting that, I completely forgot I was out of contract yesterday, wasn't sure whether this would mean I had to stay on the same contract until the next iPhone came out. But it turns out I am saving £15 a month for no change of service at all. Brilliant thank you.

Haveing spoken through it with them there is a special simplicity deal for iPhone users only to keep them going until the next version of the phone, so unlike other simplicity deals includes wifi and visual voicemail and data.

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlex Baines

My Visual Voicemail is down and O2 say it's incompatible with Simplicity... Off to call them again.

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Parker

The next bloke said Visual Voicemail should definitely work on the Simplicity for iPhone contract, and it wasn't working because my phone was connected to my WiFi network instead of 3G or Edge.

Anyway, I did a hard reboot on the iPhone and now it's all working again...

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Parker


I have just had exactly the same experience and signed up for the same plan. My disappointment is that O2 did not even contact me when the contract expired and I have had to look it up myself on their website to get the plan I needed but the £15 per month saving is welcome.

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Houghton

On the strength of this blog and checking the others mentioned here, I called O2 retentions who confirmed that 'simplicity for iphone 20' is 600 minutes, 1200 texts, visual voicemail and unlimited wifi. It is simply a change of tariff and so there is no new sim or change of number. It would be set up within 24 hours and if there is a credit due, this would be on the next bill. She confirmed no loss of service compared to my existing O2 iPhone 35 tariff. The only additional requirement was that I had to provide my place of birth! It was very easy and the whole call (free from an O2 phone) lasted 3 minutes. Beggars belief why O2 do not make more of this to try to keep the customers changing from them to Orange, Tesco or Vodaphone.

Thanks Don! If the new iPhone is out in June, that has saved me £75!

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGambit63

Look on the bright side. I'm on Orange and was amazed to find out that they don't support Visual Voicemail at all. Still the iPhone brilliant so no complaints really.

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Hemsley

Thanks Don. You've saved me £40 per month (I've downgraded Kirsty to the lower contract - hope she doesn't mind too much!!)


January 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermabsey

Just got off the phone and the guy at O2 says 700 minutes, 1400 text and *either* wifi OR data ... not both. Going to talk to retentions later :)

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMisterG

I called O2 to compare their current tariff with Orange and Vodafone. It was only when I asked the PAC that they mentioned the Simplicity for iPhone option. I was switched over in under 24 hours and I still have all the same features as before (but now with unlimited SMS) for £15 less a month than before.

I suppose it's no surprise that they don't notify you about this - so good job for people like you, Don!

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJames Ward

Hi Don,

It's worth noting that there is also a £30/mo. Simplicity for iPhone tariff with 1200 minutes, 2400 texts, unlimited web & wifi and voicemail. In fact, this tariff is publicised even less than the £20 Simplicity but several readers on my website have reported success in switching to that tariff.


February 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKen @ Ken's Tech Tips

Hi Don,

When I changed over I was told to do this in store, big mistake, they had no idea what they were doing and put me on the non iPhone simplicity tariff which does not have the data of visual voicemail. Best thing do do is call the 02 helpline and they will set it up very easy for you. Also you can do this 30 days BEFORE your contract finishes.

Bring on the new iPhone.

April 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

** BE AWARE **

On "Simplicity 20 For iPhone" you will be charged for MMS messages (no inclusive "4 SMS = 1 MMS" here). I think it's around 20p each for MMS's (I noticed the extras on my first Simplicity for iPhone bill, and to be fair was told when I took it out).

Sodding telecom cheeky-monkey's again, you can't trust them to give you a WYSIWYG service ever!

...extra's extra's extra's extra's extra's. Tethering anyone — not gonna happen (excellent idea ruined by extra exorbitant pricing).

May 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjimthing

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