About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Something going down.....

Gruber made an interesting (and slightly unexpected) post yesterday, about how the iPhone 4 press conference is going to play out:

Sounds crazy, I know, but I think something big, or at least biggish, is going down tomorrow.

Daring Fireball

He makes a point of emphasising it's a "proper" hunch and not based on inside information, but John is a pretty smart cookie, and always worth listening to.

I've felt for a couple of days now that Apple needed to take the heat out of the ridiculous escalation of the current "Antennagate" situation. Sure, they need to fix the root cause of the media frenzy and do something to fix the actual problem, but I've felt they've needed some diversionary tactics to reset the agenda.

Visions of Apple bringing forward some big announcement or doing something off the wall to refocus all the misguided attention away the iPhone 4 reception issues.

How come it's taken them three weeks to decide on the course of action?

There won't be a recall but they may give away free bumpers (three weeks to ramp up bumper production?)

I really can't see Steve Jobs sitting down at a press conference, repeating what he said in his open letter from a couple of weeks ago and announcing the fix which was issued yesterday.

That's it?

Surely, there has to be more to it than that?

So what will go down in the press conference to take our minds off "AntennaGate"?

I wonder....


Fancy a TweetUp?

If you follow my good friend Allison Sheridan's blog or podcast (NosillaCast), you may be aware that she and her husband Steve (my equally good friend), are undertaking a European road trip later in the year.

The road trip will take in the UK (Liverpool), Ireland and Belgium.

We'll be putting up the Sheridan's for a couple of days here at ScreenCastsOnline Towers and showing them the sights of the North West for a couple of days.

As it's a fairly rare sighting of a US based Mac podcaster on these shores, we thought it would be great idea to arrange an informal TweetUp. It would be a great chance for any of Allison's Nosillacastaways (and any ScreenCastsOnline viewers) to pop along and say hi to Allison and Steve (or me!) during their stay here.

So I've arranged a TweetUp on the evening of Tuesday, 24th August in Central Liverpool. Following on from recommendations (from people who know the Liverpool social scene much better than I do), I'm suggesting we meetup at:


Studio 2 at Parr Street

Parr Street Studios

33-45 Parr Street

Liverpool L1 4JN

This is a bar (with Wifi) attached to one of Liverpool's recording studios - I've heard good things about it but if we want to move on later, we can do. There's approximately 15 or so people on the attendee list so it should be a great opportunity for a natter.

As some people will need to leave early to travel back home, we're provisionally aiming to start at 6:30pm onwards. We'll play it by ear if we decide to move on after meeting up.

 So if you'd like to register an interest in popping along on Tuesday, 24th August and saying hello, please leave your name and email address below and I'll be in touch.

Look forward to seeing you on the 24th!




FaceTime - Oh My!

Haven't really played with FaceTime on the new iPhone 4 other than on the same WiFi network in the house. Seemed pretty impressive with zero setup and good video and audio. Well you would expect that, wouldn't you.

Then I received an email from Loren Finkelstein, a friend of mine in New York (and one of the stars of the original David Pogue iPhone song) wondering if I'd like to try a transatlantic FaceTime chat.

I entered the number of his iPhone 4 into Contacts on the iPhone and saved.

Rather than make the call via his number, I just hit the FaceTIme button in his Contacts entry.

Within a few seconds the connection was made, and we were chatting away. Amazing video and audio quality, all the the way from the US.

Very little lag, it just worked!

Was able to take a look outside his New York window using the camera swapping function - seamless.

Both of us were able to move around quite freely although the call did stop when I ventured a little too far from my WifI hot spot.

The interesting thing is that the call connection was done via WiFi, no voice connection was made. Loren told me that the previous evening, he'd been able to switch off the cell component of the iPhone 4 leaving it just on WiFi, and was able to connect to a friend, just using FaceTime.

Call me impressed.

By the way, if you want to test your FaceTime connection, Apple have provided a service to FaceTime with you. Check out this particular call....


Passing on an iPhone 3GS


A couple of issues I'd welcome some feedback on.

Transferring a 3GS under Contract

So I have the unlocked new iPhone 4 - (nice phone, will blog more later) and I've moved the SIM from a current 3GS (which is in contract until December 2010)

So now I want to pass on the 3GS phone to another family member.

As I bought the 3GS from OS, I'm assuming the iPhone is locked to O2?

Consequently, Am I restricted to only getting a SIM only deal from O2 until December 2010?

Transferring a 3G

There's also the issue of a 3G which is now out of contract with 02 and has been running a Simplicity for iPhone rolling contract.

I can just sell this phone, but what if I also want to give this to another family member? I'm assuming it's locked with O2 but as it's out of contract, can I get it unlocked officially by O2 and if so, how?

Complicated all these mobile contract shenanigans.

Glad I got an unlocked iPhone 4 this time round to get away from all these hassles!

Any advice would be most welcome.


iPhone 4 And Other Matters

Now that WWDC is out of the way and I'm starting to get back into my "normal" routine, I hope to step up the regularity of my blogging and video comments, etc.

Unfortunately, whilst over in San Francisco, we had a death in the family so I had a funeral to attend on my return, as well as sorting out moving my son back home from University for the summer. So last week was a short week and with having a normal show and the live show to put together, things were a bit hectic.

Now things are on a slightly more even keel, I should be able to push out some additional updates here, on YouTube and on AllAboutTheiPad

First off is my iPhone 4 plans and yes, I've pre-ordered a new 32GB iPhone 4.

Sort of a given really, considering it's my job!

As far as which carrier is concerned, I'm currently out of contract with O2 and have been transferred to the Simplicity plan. This is a lower cost option that the standard iPhone plan and it seems a no brainer to just carry on with this.

Consequently, I've gone with the option of an unlocked iPhone from Apple which should be delivered on launch day. My 3GS will be passed on to another member of the family, but I'll need to sort out a new plan for that - still not sure what the best option will be.

I've also ordered a second 16GB iPhone 4 for Mrs Don. She currently has a 3G which has another six months to run on contract with O2. Again, I've decided to go with an unlocked phone from Apple to ensure maximum flexibility for upgrading in the future. Once out of the O2 contract, we'll either go with the Simplicity plan or look for an alternative. The plan for the 3G is to sell it and it looks like I'll get around £180 for it.

The issue currently is obtaining two replacement MicroSIMS for the iPhones.

According to the O2 website, you should be able to walk into any O2 shop with your Apple confirmation and pick up a replacement microSIM before the iPhone is sent out.

So I toddles off to my local O2 store to do the deed only to be told they didn't have any. A phone call to another two local branches and the same situation. The main store in Liverpool had them, but did I really want to travel all that way.

In fairness, the guy at my local store did let me leave my name and number and I requested that he call me when they come in. At my suggestion mind you.

With such a high profile launch, it seems pretty poor that O2 could not co-ordinate to deliver what they said they would deliver on the website. Without sounding too self important(?), if I ran O2 I would have thought iPhone customers would be the customers you really wanted to hang onto and would make every effort to ensure a good customer experience. It really doesn't take much, just do what you say you're going to do.

Interestingly, O2 have picked up on my twitter gripe, so let's see what happens.

If they don't deliver on the MicroSIM promise, there is a plan B, but I'll leave that for another post.