Something going down.....

Gruber made an interesting (and slightly unexpected) post yesterday, about how the iPhone 4 press conference is going to play out:
Sounds crazy, I know, but I think something big, or at least biggish, is going down tomorrow.
He makes a point of emphasising it's a "proper" hunch and not based on inside information, but John is a pretty smart cookie, and always worth listening to.
I've felt for a couple of days now that Apple needed to take the heat out of the ridiculous escalation of the current "Antennagate" situation. Sure, they need to fix the root cause of the media frenzy and do something to fix the actual problem, but I've felt they've needed some diversionary tactics to reset the agenda.
Visions of Apple bringing forward some big announcement or doing something off the wall to refocus all the misguided attention away the iPhone 4 reception issues.
How come it's taken them three weeks to decide on the course of action?
There won't be a recall but they may give away free bumpers (three weeks to ramp up bumper production?)
I really can't see Steve Jobs sitting down at a press conference, repeating what he said in his open letter from a couple of weeks ago and announcing the fix which was issued yesterday.
That's it?
Surely, there has to be more to it than that?
So what will go down in the press conference to take our minds off "AntennaGate"?
I wonder....

OK, So Gruber (and I) were wrong and Apple kept pretty much on message about the antenna issues. The main distraction ploy was the heavy usage of the "other smartphones do it too" and including the videos was a smart way to convey this. I for one, had always had an issue with attenuated signals when holding my 3GS at home, an area of low signal. I never gave it a second thought.
The contempt for the media was palpable during the press conference and I wonder just how uncomfortable it made some attendees sitting in the audience.
Hopefully we can move on from "Antennagate" now but I fear we've still not heard the last of it.
At least I'll get a refund for my Apple bumper purchased a week or two ago!