Live iPad Draw - Recording Available

I've popped a copy of the live recording in the members feed so you can see it at a higher resolution (960x540) than the version transmitted - one of the many benefits of being a member. Mind you, seeing my ugly mug in HD may not be considered by many to be a benefit!
If you'd like to see a streamed recording of the show, you can do on your iPhone, iPad or Mac at
Although the live recording format is fairly stressful to put together (at least whilst I'm getting used to the format), it seems to be well received.
I'm kicking around a few ideas on how I might do this on a regular basis.
One idea is to do a 30 minute show every second Wednesday to cover the previous two weeks screencasts, follow up on members questions, offer clarifications, that sort of thing. If you have any other suggestions or comments, please feel free to post to the comments thread (or email me directly at