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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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iPhone 4 And Other Matters

Now that WWDC is out of the way and I'm starting to get back into my "normal" routine, I hope to step up the regularity of my blogging and video comments, etc.

Unfortunately, whilst over in San Francisco, we had a death in the family so I had a funeral to attend on my return, as well as sorting out moving my son back home from University for the summer. So last week was a short week and with having a normal show and the live show to put together, things were a bit hectic.

Now things are on a slightly more even keel, I should be able to push out some additional updates here, on YouTube and on AllAboutTheiPad

First off is my iPhone 4 plans and yes, I've pre-ordered a new 32GB iPhone 4.

Sort of a given really, considering it's my job!

As far as which carrier is concerned, I'm currently out of contract with O2 and have been transferred to the Simplicity plan. This is a lower cost option that the standard iPhone plan and it seems a no brainer to just carry on with this.

Consequently, I've gone with the option of an unlocked iPhone from Apple which should be delivered on launch day. My 3GS will be passed on to another member of the family, but I'll need to sort out a new plan for that - still not sure what the best option will be.

I've also ordered a second 16GB iPhone 4 for Mrs Don. She currently has a 3G which has another six months to run on contract with O2. Again, I've decided to go with an unlocked phone from Apple to ensure maximum flexibility for upgrading in the future. Once out of the O2 contract, we'll either go with the Simplicity plan or look for an alternative. The plan for the 3G is to sell it and it looks like I'll get around £180 for it.

The issue currently is obtaining two replacement MicroSIMS for the iPhones.

According to the O2 website, you should be able to walk into any O2 shop with your Apple confirmation and pick up a replacement microSIM before the iPhone is sent out.

So I toddles off to my local O2 store to do the deed only to be told they didn't have any. A phone call to another two local branches and the same situation. The main store in Liverpool had them, but did I really want to travel all that way.

In fairness, the guy at my local store did let me leave my name and number and I requested that he call me when they come in. At my suggestion mind you.

With such a high profile launch, it seems pretty poor that O2 could not co-ordinate to deliver what they said they would deliver on the website. Without sounding too self important(?), if I ran O2 I would have thought iPhone customers would be the customers you really wanted to hang onto and would make every effort to ensure a good customer experience. It really doesn't take much, just do what you say you're going to do.

Interestingly, O2 have picked up on my twitter gripe, so let's see what happens.

If they don't deliver on the MicroSIM promise, there is a plan B, but I'll leave that for another post.

Reader Comments (10)

Hi Don, good luck with the micro sim hunt :). FWIW, the O2 in Cheapside/London had a few (around 10) and it seems I was the first person to ask for one, at 11am ... took some basic details, but cost nothing, seems you can call them and activate it on any contract tariff, simplicity and above - not pay as you go.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Kimpton

The telegraph have posted this iPhone tariff guide

Mind you I still like the Virgin deal my Daughter has which is £18 a month unlimited (well you know) Data, unlimited txt and 300 mins a month, but at the moment I'm not sure they are doing a micro sim :-(

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

Was able to get 2 micro sims at local O2 store around 12:45pm today. Needed to show Apple conformation (I'd missed that requirement?) but was able to show him email on my phone.


June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOtto-Mate

When O2 launched their "pre-order" site (which it turns out wasn't a pre-order site at all) they said that if you registered your interest, they'd send a microsim in the post so we'd be ready for launch.
Mmm... still waiting for that to turn up.

Still, could be worse. They could have given all our email addresses to some random hacker...

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

Hi Don,

Milton Keynes O2 store at 10am said they didn't have any and to come back Thursday. My wife then started her sit down protest and I asked for the manager! Before he arrived we had dragged in two more Apple customers wanting micro-SIMs, the protest was growing! Manager turned up and I gave him some words about how good O2 had handled all this and to go read his e-mail and intranet - oh, and while he was at it, read this print out from their web site...

He went away to return a few minutes later clutching a handful of blue envelope micro-SIMs to quieten the ever growing "mob". He offered to transfer my SIM over but explained that I couldn't use the new one because it wouldn't "fit" my iPhone 3G - in return I explained that they come as a SIM, mini-SIM and micro-SIM all in one, he looked confused!

He found me a micro-SIM carrier as I might need it in the future but I left the store 30 minutes later, with no apology and no asbo for my wife who seems determined to get one at 54 years of age!

The transfer didn't work. Just filled in the online form myself and all completed within 7 minutes so good result.

I should be getting at least one micro-SIM in the post, I'm happy to First Class that to you if you want it.


June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

I doubt O2 are going to send out microsims now. They've decided all the iPhone 4s they get will be sold only to existing O2 customers. This means they only need to have microsims available 'at purchase' when they hand them out and simply transfer service from the sim in the user's existing handset to the one in the new iPhone 4. It'll probably take about 24 hours after purchase for it's much less work for them. Rather than posting microsoims out to loads of people, a fair chunk of which won't end up taking up the service with O2 anyway chances are.

It means they're going to miss out on people who buy iPhone 4s direct from Apple but I suspect they'll have a mechanism for dealing with that that doesn't require them to supply the microsim before purchase...

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan White

Have a look at they run on the O2 network and have very good monthly PAYG plans. Their data really is unlimited.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWillisweb

Argh, good one that...the justification line, it's my job. Wonder if the wife gets a new kitchen each year with it's just my job. Kidding Don, great stuff, keep up the good work.

June 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Hi Don,
I held off getting an iPhone because we were only going to be living in England for a shortish while and at that time the providers were only doing long contracts.

Now I think the world of phone contracts has moved on. So if I were to buy an unlocked iPhone4 phone from Apple and get a rolling month contract from whoever is doing them at the moment, and then move to France, Belgium, Holland or the U.S. (they are all in the mix at the moment) - would I be able to just give notice to the English provider and start with whatever contract the new country provider was offering? Or is there something that locks the phone once the first provider is chosen?

And if I were willing to forego some of the lovely features on iPhone4 and plump for a cheaper iPhone3GS - are they available unlocked (as opposed to jailbroken) and what's the best (i.e. cheapest) place to buy one?

Also, we are planning a trip to France and Belgium in a few weeks time. What is the recommended way to avoid huge roaming charges while traveling?

June 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Bennett

So if I were to buy an unlocked iPhone4 phone from Apple and get a rolling month contract from whoever is doing them at the moment, and then move to France, Belgium, Holland or the U.S. (they are all in the mix at the moment) - would I be able to just give notice to the English provider and start with whatever contract the new country provider was offering? Or is there something that locks the phone once the first provider is chosen?

The unlocked iPhones remain unlocked wherever you take them and regardless of the carrier first used. You need to make sure you get a 1 month rolling contract to terminate it easily!

And if I were willing to forego some of the lovely features on iPhone4 and plump for a cheaper iPhone3GS - are they available unlocked (as opposed to jailbroken) and what's the best (i.e. cheapest) place to buy one?

You can get unlocked 3GS iPhones from the UK Apple store - not cheap though.

So if I were to buy an unlocked iPhone4 phone from Apple and get a rolling month contract from whoever is doing them at the moment, and then move to France, Belgium, Holland or the U.S. (they are all in the mix at the moment) - would I be able to just give notice to the English provider and start with whatever contract the new country provider was offering? Or is there something that locks the phone once the first provider is chosen?

The unlocked iPhones remain unlocked wherever you take them and regardless of the carrier first used. You need to make sure you get a 1 month rolling contract to terminate it easily!

Also, we are planning a trip to France and Belgium in a few weeks time. What is the recommended way to avoid huge roaming charges while traveling?

Switch data roaming off and stick to WiFi! Some service providers to allow you to pre-buy data to cover trips but it's disgustingly expensive.

June 27, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

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