About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Yoink Prize Draw

SCO0315 yoink icon 100x100Following on from last week's ScreenCastsOnline, as promised, I did the prize draw for 10 free copies of Yoink.

The winners are:

  • Saul Kattan
  • David Delmonte
  • Bob DeGrande
  • Shushant
  • Gary Burkhart
  • Danny van Leeuwen
  • Robert Schimanko
  • Roger Sels
  • Larry Ohlmann
  • Gérard Munier

Mrs Don will be sending out the redemption codes later today!

Congratulations and thanks to Matthias at Eternal Storms Software for the 10 free copies.


iPhone Announcement - LMUG Event

Well under a week before the big iPhone announcement on Tuesday.

It's unlikely that Apple will stream the event, so it looks like we'll all be huddled around our laptops and iOS devices, waiting to see what the latest and greatest announcements are.

This time however, I'll be doing it slightly differently...

in the company of a large number of fellow Mac geeks, from the comfort of a London pub!

IPhone media event coverage LMUG style | Macsessed Thanks to Paul Dixon Mac Obsessed for the graphic!

Those nice peeps from the London Mac Users Group have invited me down to the Wood Pub in Marylebone, London to take part in the activities during the night of the announcement.

If all goes to plan (and if the technology and comms hold up) I'll be Skyping with Leo Laporte and the rest of the MacBreak Weekly team live in Petaluma, USA to take part in the MBW announcement coverage plus doing a live recording of the full MacBreak Weekly show, direct from the Pub!

Following that, we'll be recording an episode of BagelTech Mac with the esteemed Ewen Rankin and guests, live in the Pub.

So if you want to get all the news with some great company, some beer, a nice curry and a chance to watch a live MacBreak Weekly and BagelTech Mac, get yourself down to the Wood Pub in Marylebone on Tuesday 4th October 2011. Festivities should commence around 6pm.

For more information, checkout the Facebook page or the LMUG Website

Be there or be square!


Help Needed! App Localisation

Update - 14/9/2011: Thanks for all the emails!

I'm covered now except for:

  • Italian
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese

If you're willing and able to help, please contact me at

Original post

I need to ask a few favours!

I'm working on a super secret app for the Mac App Store.

It's related to ScreenCastsOnline, but it's most definitely not a video player for Members to access the Members only content. Well, not yet anyway, but you never know where these things lead.

It's a relatively simple app with very few Menubar menus and a small number of short HTML help pages.

I'm looking to assemble a small army of willing volunteers with some translation experience to help me localise the Menubar menus and help pages into as many different languages as possible. The initial list is:

Brazilian Portuguese Chinese Dutch French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish

To name but a few, but always willing to add more to the list, so if your language isn't listed and you'd can help and get it on the list, let me know.

If you're willing and able to help, please contact me at to let me know what languages you can assist with. Ideally, it would be good to have at least two contacts for each language so we can do some cross checking and validation.

If you end up helping with the localisation effort, you'll get immortalised in the apps "About Screen", a complementary copy of the App, as well as my undying gratitude for helping out. It may also lead to other localisation activities, but let's get the app finished first.

So if you'd like to help, please drop me an email at


Apple’s Four-Year Product Rollout

Great piece by Shawn Blanc explaining Apple's strategy on it's product development. Not just a series of world class individual products, but the slow build to a unified ecosystem of aggregated systems, technologies and devices.

Apple has but one product: Their products. Their product lineup is, in a sense, one single product. The “walled garden” is the whole point.

Apple’s Four-Year Product Rollout — Shawn Blanc


ScreenCastsOnline iPad2 Winner

As most ScreenCastsOnline members know, I do a regular prize draw for members. 

The most recent one being a 16GB WiFi iPad 2. 

The draw included everyone who was a ScreenCastsOnline member on 31st August 2011.

 I'm delighted to announce the winner of the draw was Alan Coulthard from Australia.

Congrats Alan!