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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Tablet market will be bigger than PC market?

During the Apple earnings call on Tuesday, after posting record sales of the iPad, Apple's CEO made the comment to an analyst that he thought the "tablet market" would be larger than the PC market.

We thought, Gene, from the beginning of this, that it would be a huge market, and it has been even greater than we thought and we’ve now sold 40 million on a cumulative basis, and it’s pretty clear to me that if you forecast out in time that the tablet market, I still believe it will be larger than the PC market. That’s not a guidance number. That’s just something that I very much believe.

Tim Cook - Apple CEO

Just a few days before this, I was sent a recent UK study by UM London, that goes some way to support this notion, but not quite fully.

The research “Tablet inTouch” which covered five thousand UK consumers, found those who owned the devices were almost evangelical about their benefits, with more than a third of owners saying their tablet computer has changed their lives.

While tablet and e-reader technology is changing the lives of their owners, the majority of UK consumers remain to be convinced of their benefits. UM found only 18% of consumers in the UK now own a tablet or e-reader, with Apple and Amazon dominating the markets.

You can download the full study here, but I'll paste a detailed summary below.

The figures speak for themselves, and mirror the initial scepticism about the usage of tablets, especially the iPad. I can only presume the majority are iPad users as the iPad dominates the market.

Those that have a tablet (iPad?) have discovered the niche where device supplements and enhances their lifestyle and are evangelical about the device.

Those that don't have a tablet or can't envisage where they might use one, can't see why they need one, or understand the potential benefits.

I don't think Apple will have a hard sell to the second group of people in the near future. Tablet usage will increase over time as they become even more mainstream, becoming an even more viable alternative to a traditional PC.

Consider the next iteration of the iPad, probably available in six to eight months time.

  • Quad Core A6 Chip - TechRadar
  • Double Resolution Retina Display - AppleInsider
  • Siri - Artificial Intelligent (2nd Gen with full International Support) - TUAW
  • Vastly improved camera and optics
  • Plus whatever other surprises Apple have in development

If the current iPad can replace a good percentage of people's computing needs, the next generation will take it to the next level, especially if new adopters of the tablet platform continue to evangelise at the current levels.

I think Tim Cook is right.

It's just a matter of time!

The extract below republished with permission

How tablet computers are changing the UK’s digital diet

LOGOA major study of how people who have purchased tablet computers and e-readers are using their devices and the attitudes of those who have not by Media Communications agency UM London, has revealed the impact tablet computers have had on the behaviour of UK consumers and casts light on the opportunities and challenges for brands.

The research “Will Tablet Computers Change Our Lives?” which covered five thousand UK consumers found those who owned the devices were almost evangelical about their benefits:

  • More than a third of owners say their tablet computer has changed their lives
  • 43% of tablet owners find them “addictive”
  • More than 60% of tablet owners use their device daily and some are virtually inseparable from their tablet with 27% even using the device in the lavatory
  • 86% of e-reader owners and 70% of tablet owners are “extremely satisfied” with them
  • 65% say tablets are more useful than laptops

While tablet and e-reader technology is changing the lives of their owners the majority of UK consumers remain to be convinced of their benefits. UM found:

  • 18% of consumers in the UK now own a tablet or e-reader (*see below for brands covered)
  • ownership of e-readers 12% (5.9m GB Adults) is ahead of tablet computers 8% (3.9m GB Adults) (3% own both), but overall 82% of the population have still to buy either a tablet or an e-reader
  • 64% of those who don’t, have no intention to purchase either
  • 23% of those who don’t intend to get a tablet device are deterred by the price, but more- 38%- don’t understand the benefit of owning one
  • 23% said they did intend to buy a tablet computer (9.4m GB Adults); 19% an e-reader (7.9m GB Adults)
  • But only 3% plan to do so in the next 2 months
  • Apple and Amazon dominate the tablet and e-reader markets

UM London’s study clearly shows that tablet computers are used primarily for play not work, but owners are using their devices regularly for a diverse range of activities:

  • 41% of tablet owners think of their device as a “toy” but just 17% of e-reader users do so
  • Tablets are being used for practical purposes: 32% said they’d shop more online with their tablet and 55% say they spend more time online as a result of owning one
  • Games, downloaded by 50% of owners, are the most popular tablet apps
  • 43% suggest tablets have improved their quality of life saying they are less bored now High levels of usage across a range of activities show tablets to be true multi-purpose devices
  • For around 85% of tablet and e-reader users, the home is the primary place where they use them

Original Study - UM London


iPhone 4S Battery Issue

I mentioned on the MacRoundtable last night that the battery performance on my iPhone 4S had "fallen off a cliff".

After using the iPhone 4 since it was launched, I never had any issues with the battery retaining at least 50% charge, after a light to moderate days usage.

I knew something was up when I picked up the iPhone 4S after being charged up overnight and seeing the battery fall to 97% within a few minutes. It seemed as though the battery was dropping in front of my eyes!

It would appear that this was a common problem on Twitter, even though many people were seeing better battery life than previously on their older iPhones.

What to do!

Well, last night, I received several tweets advising me to restore the iPhone 4S as that seemed to cure the problem.

So, after the iPhone expired on me, I charged it up so I could use the phone again.

I then did a full DFU restore of the iPhone.

Full instructions are here:

I'm not sure if you need a full DFU restore, try a normal restore if necessary.

Once the OS was restored, I then restored the phone from my last backup.

After the phone was restored, I went to bed and charged it up overnight.

This morning it held it's full 100% charge for 20 minutes or so, then dropped down to 98%.

By lunchtime, it was in the mid 80's - just as I used to get with my iPhone 4.

So if you are suffering with poor battery performance, try giving it a restore.

You may find it makes a world of difference!


50GB free online storage for iOS users!

Just to let you know, are giving away 50GB of free online storage to iOS users. This storage is free for life (!) as long as you download their new mobile app within the next 50 days (from October 13th).

50GB for free can't be bad.

I'm a fully paid up DropBox user and won't be giving up DropBox anytime soon, but this is a nice addition to any iOS users toolbox.

On the plus side, the 50GB is free for life and from my initial look, seems to have some pretty neat collaborative features. It's really easy to share files and you can set access permissions on files that you share via There's also really smart way of adding comments to files and being alerted when things change, both via the web interface and via the mobile apps.

There are some minor limitations (and if I'm wrong on any of these, please leave a comment) including:

  • Uploads can only be done via the Web Interface on the Mac (comments state uploads can be done from iPad into Box.Net via GoodReader - Thanks Pat)
  • It will only support a maximum of file size of 100MB
  • There is no Mac syncing, all file uploads need to be done manually via the web interface.

It's the final issue that ensures I'll stay with DropBox as syncing is critical for me.

After exploring the web site, it looks like there is a "Sync for Mac" feature in development, but this will only be made available to Business Customers.

The app is available for both iPad and iPhone, and very nicely done!

It's a pity there is no syncing, but as I said, an extra 50GB online is not to be sniffed at, and kudos to for reaching out to the iOS community.

You can learn more about the offer over on the Box.Net blog:

iPad and iPhone Users Get 50 GB FREE Starting Tonight #Box50GB

PS No affiliation or association with Box.Net, just seems like a good deal!


Tomorrow's ScreenCastsOnline Show

Just a quick note about this weeks ScreenCastsOnline show, due out tomorrow (14th October).

It's just over 12 hours since the release of iOS5, OSX 10.7.2, iCloud a slew of other apps and services.

Unfortunately, that doesn't give me enough time to do a proper show covering all the changes. I really need to spend some time testing the upgrade and migration in various scenarios, as well as exploring the new features.

So tomorrow's show will not cover the upgrade process - I just don't have enough time to do it justice.

I should also point out that those brave enough to try the install in the first hours of the service going live have met with some pretty serious issues, caused mainly by the Apple servers going into meltdown due to the sheer demand. As far as I can see, no iPhones have actually been "bricked" or rendered damaged, but it has taken people many attempts and retries before the update was applied.

It's not a difficult upgrade, it was just the initial demand that caused the problems.

Apple really should have learned from the lessons of the initial MobileMe rollout and staggered the various installs over a couple of days, but they must have their reasons for releasing everything at once!

The initial mad rush has since died down, but you still may hit some problems, so be warned!

My advice would be to leave it for a short while before attempting the upgrades, but if you decide to go ahead, read the following page in advance:

MobileMe Migration Questions

Also, if you rely on any third party apps that may rely on MobileMe syncing, you may want to check out the relevant application home pages for update information.

I attempted to answer as many questions on Twitter as I could yesterday, but the most common one was "What Apple ID should I use to migrate to iCloud"

During my migration to iCloud, I used my MobileMe Apple ID for iCloud, and kept my separate iTunes Apple iD for accessing iTunes. You can keep them separate for now and that seems to work just fine.

So, no iCloud related show tomorrow, but I'll have lot's more hints, tips and guidance in the following show.


Good luck Apple!

So iOS5 and iCloud is set to launch tomorrow - October 12th, with the iPhone 4S being released a couple of days later.

I would not like to work at Apple over the next few days. Just imagine the amount of work that has gone on leading up to this, and the amount of co-ordination required to launch.

Just some of the things that need to happen, starting tomorrow (a partial list!):

iOS5 - updates to all iOS devices including iPhones, iPads and iPod touches.

OSX Lion - 10.7.2 to be released with iCloud support

iWork for iOS5 - Updates to iWork for iCloud

iWork for OSX - Updates to iWork for iCloud

iCloud - North Carolina Datacenter into full production

MobileMe to iCloud migration - User account migration

Find my Friends - New service rollout

iTunes - iCloud enabled iTunes to be released

iLife on OSX - iCloud enabled iLife including PhotoStream for iPhoto

Aperture - Photostream for Aperture

Apple TV - Firmware upgrades to enable PhotoStream and iOS5 Airplay

And I'm sure there are lot's more I've left out plus many, many background engineering and deployment tasks that are hidden from public gaze.

I'd just like to say good luck to all the people working at Apple at such a busy time, especially having to deal with the obvious strain put on them by dealing with losing Steve. It can't have been easy getting through this week, and keeping focus.

I really hope it all goes well tomorrow, and I know if anyone can pull off such an audacious plan, it's Apple.