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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Tomorrow's ScreenCastsOnline Show

Just a quick note about this weeks ScreenCastsOnline show, due out tomorrow (14th October).

It's just over 12 hours since the release of iOS5, OSX 10.7.2, iCloud a slew of other apps and services.

Unfortunately, that doesn't give me enough time to do a proper show covering all the changes. I really need to spend some time testing the upgrade and migration in various scenarios, as well as exploring the new features.

So tomorrow's show will not cover the upgrade process - I just don't have enough time to do it justice.

I should also point out that those brave enough to try the install in the first hours of the service going live have met with some pretty serious issues, caused mainly by the Apple servers going into meltdown due to the sheer demand. As far as I can see, no iPhones have actually been "bricked" or rendered damaged, but it has taken people many attempts and retries before the update was applied.

It's not a difficult upgrade, it was just the initial demand that caused the problems.

Apple really should have learned from the lessons of the initial MobileMe rollout and staggered the various installs over a couple of days, but they must have their reasons for releasing everything at once!

The initial mad rush has since died down, but you still may hit some problems, so be warned!

My advice would be to leave it for a short while before attempting the upgrades, but if you decide to go ahead, read the following page in advance:

MobileMe Migration Questions

Also, if you rely on any third party apps that may rely on MobileMe syncing, you may want to check out the relevant application home pages for update information.

I attempted to answer as many questions on Twitter as I could yesterday, but the most common one was "What Apple ID should I use to migrate to iCloud"

During my migration to iCloud, I used my MobileMe Apple ID for iCloud, and kept my separate iTunes Apple iD for accessing iTunes. You can keep them separate for now and that seems to work just fine.

So, no iCloud related show tomorrow, but I'll have lot's more hints, tips and guidance in the following show.

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