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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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ScreenCastsOnline Prize Draw - June 2008

35B7C4E9-3E00-4F87-B214-A238A834DF15.jpgI've started up a new prize draw as from June 2008 for new members joining ScreenCastsOnline each month and existing members who renew during the same month.

The prizes are pretty spectacular (OK, well I think they are!) and for June 2008 include:

First Prize

  • 1GB iPod Shuffle ($49 value)
  • 5 Year ScreenCastsOnline Charter Membership ($199 value)
  • Full Set of ScreenCastsOnline DVDs ($30 value)
  • A new ScreenCastsOnline Archive DVD each year ($65 value)
  • ScreenCastsOnline BaseBall Cap ($14 value)

Second and Third Prize

  • Full Set of ScreenCastsOnline DVDs ($30 value)
  • ScreenCastsOnline BaseBall Cap ($14 value)

The way it works is that I create a separate mailbox and copy in all the email confirmations from new members and renewing members. I then switch on the email numbers so each has a unique number and then use the "Research Randomiser" website to generate three unique numbers.

So for June 2008, the winners are:

First Prize: Dominique Provost from Belgium [Renewing Member]

Second Prize: Thomas Sparrow from USA [Renewing Member]

Third Prize: Alain Gauthier from Canada [Renewing Member]

So by the completely random nature of the draw, it's all renewing members this month!

I'll be running the prize draw each month continuing with July so if you sign up as a new ScreenCastsOnline member or if you renew your membership in July, you'll automatically be entered into the prize draw.

If you're a mac related vendor and would like to sponsor the monthly prize draw or donate some prizes, please drop me a line at

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