Email Notification Service for ScreenCastsOnline

Even when the show arrives in your iTunes library, unless you make a conscious effort to go and see what this weeks show is about, shows sometimes get missed. Whilst this is normally not an issue, if the show contains a time sensitive offer or is about a subject it would be really useful to know about sooner rather than later, it would be nice to know when it was published and what it was all about!
So to provide this feature, I've just configured an automatic email notification system via feedburner.
By signing up to the service (which is free and open to both members and non-members), you'll receive a copy of the weeks show notes including links delivered directly to your email inbox, as soon as the show is released.
This doesn't replace subscribing via iTunes so don't unsubscribe! This is an additional service that just lets you know when a show is available and gives you the option to mentally make a note that the show is in iTunes so you can either watch it straight away, or leave it for another day.
To sign up for the free email notification just enter your email address below and I'll send you a short confirmation email. Click on the confirmation link in the email and that's it!
Next time I publish a show, you'll get the show notes via email.
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