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Geoff Smith - Ones and 0s - A new concept!

Digital Booklet - Credits, bio, covers and the code.pdf (page 1 of 5).pngFollowing on from the ground breaking concept of releasing iPhone ringtones via a premium podcast, Geoff Smith and his partner Klaus Lovgreen are taking things to the next level!

Geoff's new full album has just been released - Ones and 0s and it's available via iTunes but not as how you might expect!

The new album is being delivered via a premium podcast, side stepping the iTunes Music Store.

For $14.99, you can get access to a special password protected feed that allows you to download the 12 songs all recorded in 256 kbit DRM free MP3 format. Plus a music video, plus a digital booklet.

Ones and 0s via Ringtone Feeder

What's unique though, is that the album is a "Dynamic" album, only available via the subscription model. Using this model, Geoff plans to release bonus material for the next 12 months!!!!

Bonus material will be released every 2 weeks and will include: karaoke versions, videos, access to exclusive USTREAM shows, exclusive tracks, ringtones etc.

Wow! What a fantastic concept!

I've just bought a copy of the album and will be looking forward to the supplementary material as it comes out!

By the way, this post has not been sponsored or endorsed by Geoff or Klaus and yes, I paid for the album out of my own pocket! Once of the very few music purchases I've made this year.

Oh, and the tunes are excellent too!

Reader Comments (1)

Very good album by the way - got it the day you posted this!

July 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMHillyer

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