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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Another Podcast Appearance!

MyMac.pngYup! Another podcast appearance this time on the MyMac podcast with Tim, Guy and David.

Tim asked me a month or so ago and it wasn't until we started chatting during the podcast that I realised that we'd met at MacWorld earlier this year!

Here's the blurb.....

Don McAllister of ScreenCastOnline and the Mac Roundtable Podcast joined Tim, Guy, and David this week for a great chat. We cover podcasting, how Don got started, and his switch from the PC to the Mac. We have Robert Hazelrigg chatting about his AppleCare ordeal, and then Tim, Guy, and David wrap up the show with some MyMac news, Apple news, and audio books worth buying on

You can check out this episode on the MyMac site

Thanks guys - I really enjoyed it!

Reader Comments (1)

Can recomend everyone go across and take a listen it's a good interview.

March 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

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