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carpeaqua - Your Twitter is not your blog is not your Tumblr is not your FriendFeed

carpeaqua - Your Twitter is not your blog is not your Tumblr is not your FriendFeed


Can I just say that this posting by Justin Williams is completely on the mark.

I've decided to become ruthless (OK semi-ruthless!) to people I follow on twitter and will un-follow them if they break these guidelines. Seriously, it's a real pain when people persistently tweet that they've just posted a blog post or they are "streaming now, come and chat"


Sorry, rant over.

Reader Comments (1)

I agree Don , over on pounce their's a user who keeps posted short post like that that drives me insane , I mean so what if you're watching this or lisennin=g to that , it's supposed to be about sharing photos and or new music , not a hourly post.

April 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

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