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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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New Media Expo 2008

New Media Expo-1.pngFollowing on from my session at last years Podcast and New Media Expo, I'm delighted to announce that I've been selected to speak again at this years re-titled "New Media Expo 2008" in Las Vegas, 14th - 16th August 2008.

What makes it really special is that they had over 700 submissions and chose just 52 speakers - so I'm feeling particularly pleased to have made the cut!

Last year I focussed on the more technical aspects of ScreenCasting and mentioned the monetisation aspect in passing. This year, I've turned it around an will be focussing more on the monetisation side of things with a brief section on screencasting. It was obvious from last years Expo that the industry is maturing and the focus on the business side of things is becoming more important as New Media finds its feet and starts to become more generally accepted.

So this year, my session is entitled:

How I Converted a Hobby Podcast into a Profitable Media Property

and is in Track 3: The Business of New Media, currently scheduled for Friday, August 15 11:45am - 12:45pm (which just happens to be the same slot that Robert Scoble is presenting in another track, so I may need some support!).

You can find out more about my session from this link:

Session Description

The Expo is really a must attend event for anyone seriously interested in the New Media space and is a great mixture of technical, business and strategy focussed sessions covering a wide range of topics. It's not just about podcasting anymore! The tracks available this year are:

- Track 1: Audio and Video Creation 101 - A to Z for Beginners - Get Up To Speed Fast
- Track 2: Attracting and Growing Your Audience - Building an Audience and Guerilla Marketing
- Track 3: The Business of New Media - Monetization and Business Podcasting
- Track 4: Audio and Video Creation - "How To" Techniques for Making Compelling Content
- Track 5: New Media Strategies - "How To" for Companies, Educators, Non-profits and Government

Although the sessions are split into tracks, you are not restricted to anyone particular track, you can flit from session to session. As well as the sessions, there's also a large Exhibition hall full of vendors involved in the New Media space. Now the the Expo is in Las Vegas, I think this will be bigger than ever!

The Exhibition hall is usually free admission (if you register before August 13th) and is worthy of a day trip on it's own. The sessions are part of the paid conference, but as Tech conferences go, it's a bargain at only $299 if you register before April 30 ($349 after April 30 / $399 after June 30)

Just click here to get more information on the Expo and find out what the other 51 sessions are all about.

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Reader Comments (1)

Cool Well Done Don I bet you are chuffed. :-)

March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

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