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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Free Shows Now Searchable iTunes

IMG_0001-1.pngNow that iPhone 2.2 supports the downloadiing of Podcasts wirelessly, I thought it was time to put the iPod version of the free show, back in the iTunes store.

Previously, only the free HD version was available (960x540) so if you found the podcast and tried to download an play them on the iPhone or iPod touch, they would not work. You've always been able to subscribe to the free iPod versions via the website but you needed to sync using your computer.

Now if you search the iTunes store on your mobile device, you'll get both the HD and iPod versions.

Obviously, the Extra! members protected feeds are not available by searching the iTunes store, these can only be accessed by subscribing to the Extra! members feeds in the ScreenCastsOnline Extra! members site. I'd love to put them on there but as they are protected feeds, Apple would not accept them, so members have to stick to the more traditional way of syncing their iPhones and iPods.

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