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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Lack of Blog Posts - I Blame Twitter 

Yes, I'm hanging my head in shame at the lack of updates to the blog.

Since getting back from MacMania, I seem to have been in perpetual catchup mode as I put a couple of projects on hold until after I returned. The couple of weeks leading up to MacMania were crazy as I tried to produce some shows in advance, to cover for whilst I was away.

Now I find myself in the exact same position as I rush to get ahead of myself to have some shows prepared for Christmas (so I can take a week off -ha!) and going AWOL to Macworld in January.

I'm not complaining as I love what I do but it leaves little free time to create lengthy blog posts (or even small ones).

What I have found though is that I'm using Twitter more and more as a micro blogging platform to both push out thoughts and ideas and to keep in touch.

So the blog is suffering at the minute, but I'm pretty active over on Twitter so follow me over there until I get myself on an even keel again - say by February!

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