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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Made My Day!

Now without wanting to blow my own trumpet too much, I do get lots of emails from viewers who watch ScreenCastsOnline and get a tremendous amount from both the free shows and the paid for membership. I try and keep the content interesting and varied, fully understanding that it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time, but I think I strike a good balance and that is reflected in the large number of emails from delighted viewers that I get.

However, occasionally I get an email that just blows me away and frankly, can be pretty humbling. Some background first...

I got an email from a partially sighted viewer (lets call him John) a couple of weeks ago and he mentioned that he was having trouble reading his membership panel on the ScreenCastsOnline website. It was dark grey on light grey. Thanks to some assistance from Klaus Lovgreen (my good friend and CSS guru) we changed it to black on grey and increased the fontsize.

All was well, so I let John know and he replied back that it was perfect and thanked me. He also mentioned that he'd asked me 11 months ago if I could do a show on Speech on the Mac and if it was any nearer the top of the pile?

11 months ago? Damn! I hate disappointing people.

What else could I do but research and put together a show on OSX Speech technologies and I published it this week.

I got another mail from John today and after checking that it was OK with him, I wanted to share it with you. So here it is:
Hi Don,

A big thanks for this weeks show on speech technologies.

When I saw this weeks show I was so surprised I had a little cry. It's always been difficult having poor eye site and using a computer, but with this show it's made my life a lot better.

It was worth the 11 months wait.

All the very best


Nothing else to say really.

Reader Comments (5)

Bravo Don,

Thanks for sharing. We often truly don't know the effect we have on others. It is great to get a pat on the back and some kudos.

Life is good.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLarry "Sundog" Pollock

Made my day too.

People are good. And especially you, Don.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJulie Rodriguez

Good job my friend ........

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Marshall

Yes, that was truly a very interesting SCO episode! I myself am also visually handicapped and it's so great that the Mac comes with all those features for fysically challenged people. I haven't seen that in Windoze so much. Anyway, keep 'm coming, Don!
But I ask myself: wouldn't it be great to create (or find for that matter) a MUG for visually impaired people? I think this could be very useful to share experiences on our Mac use and handicap in general. I'd really like to have some contact with folks with eye sight challenge. I know they're out there, but just got to find them...



October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLudwig

Don, you would do well to print out that email and stick it up near your monitor. If at any time in the future you were to experience self-doubt a quick read and you should be back on an even keel.

Well done Sir.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPat Mahon

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