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MacMania 8 Sets Sail Tomorrow

My Own Reality.pngAs you may already know if you follow my blog or have heard on MacBreak weekly, I'm fortunate to have been invited to present on MacMania 8 - a geek cruise sailing around the Eastern Mediterranean.

I'm currently in Genoa, Italy preparing to depart at 5pm tomorrow.

The cruise is organised by Insight cruises who combine all the benefits of a traditional cruise with themed events for enthusiasts. The MacMania cruises are obviously put together for Mac enthusiasts but they also put on other themed cruises such as Shakespeare cruises and Scientific based cruises.

I'll be giving 4 sessions around Mac and Personal Productivity, but the cruise also has others sessions by such notables as David Pogue, Lesa King, Randall Schwartz, Dan Frakes, Sal Soghoian, Bebo White and Josimar King. The sessions are delivered whilst we are at sea, allowing us to take part in the shore excursions, which is great as we visit 6 countries and 7 ports in 10 days!
MacManiaâ„¢ 8 Training and Classes -- Itinerary Page.png

There should be wifi and internet access available at various times throughout the cruise so I'll still catching up with emails, twitter and RSS feeds and might even post a couple of photos if time permits.

The next two weeks ScreenCastsOnline episodes are already recorded so hopefully, I'll be able to publish them remotely from the ship with just a couple of clicks!

I'll also try and update the blog, so keep checking back for any updates.

Reader Comments (2)

Hi Don,
Nothing to do with this actual post, but your blogroll of MacLevelTen member sites seems to have a few dead links. I've been unable to access Movable Beast, MacProductivity, and The Pourhadi Perspective.

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRick

Thanks Rick.

Made some changes!

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

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