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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Podcamp Barcelona in iProng magazine

http___www.iprong.com_magazine_iProngMagazineIssue26.pdf.pngFollowing my recent trip to Barcelona to speak at the Podcamp, Bill Palmer from iProng magazine asked me to do a short write up of the event.

Only to happy to oblige and the edition including my section (with some photos) has now been published.

You can get a direct link to the PDF or even better subscribe via iTunes.

PS Thanks to Chris Pinchen and Mark Pendleton for the photos, unfortunately, the photo attribution didn't get included in the article.

For info:

Picture 1: Chris Pinchen and myself during one of my sessions (note: Had I known they were going to blow it up that big, I'd have supplied a high res version! Photo by Mark Pendleton

Picture 2: Going round the table from left to right. Mark Pendleton, Ben Curtis, David Allen. Photo by Chris Pinchen

Picture 3: Podcamp Logo: Designed by mark Pendleton (Multi Lingual, Photographer and Graphic Designer - makes you sick doesn't it - plus he's a musician too!)

Picture 4: Late lunch in El Masnou - Picture by Mark Pendleton

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