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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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The Expo approaches...

Mac Tutorials _ ScreenCastsOnline.pngIn final panic mode now to get some commissioned work completed, get this weeks show published and finish off my presentation for Friday before jetting off on Wednesday.

Luckily, there's the Podcamp on the Thursday before the Expo starts so if you see me at the back of the room feverish working on my laptop, I'll be doing one of two things, either activating my new iPhone that hopefully I will have picked up that morning, or finishing off my presentation. I've good reason to believe I'll probably be doing both!

If you're around the Expo, be sure to stop me and say hello. It looks like this years event will be much bigger and busier than last year and it's the last time for Ontario, next year it's Las Vegas!

If you want to stop by the iProng booth on Saturday lunchtime, I'll be on hand to give iPod demos or just chat to anyone happens to drop by!

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