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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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iCreate Magazine

Imagine Publishing - iCreate - The premium magazine for Apple Computer users.jpgIf you're a reader of the gorgeous iCreate magazine don't be surprised to find a ScreenCastsOnline tutorial on the cover CD this month!

iCreate is a top end, glossy monthly magazine with great articles, features and photos of the latest Mac stuff.

They approached me a while ago to see if I'd be interested in having some of the free content republished on the CD cover disk and I said of course. As it's the first one, I let them have a copy of the old Keynote tutorial. They seem pleased with the show and have asked for more so I'll probably be including additional free shows on future CDs.

I'll be out of the UK so won't be able to pick up a copy until I return but the issue goes on sale on today. If you get a copy, let me know how it looks.

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