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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Apple Stock Holder

So I've been tracking Apple stock since switching across to the Mac a couple of years ago. I've seen it sky rocket to the heady heights of the current levels with the introduction of the iPhone.

I've never had stock in anything before (to be honest, I've never really had the sort of cash to invest in the stock market :-))

But with the amazing intro of the iPhone in only a few short weeks, the glowing reports from all quarters (even as a version 1.0 launch) and the approaching Apple Perfect Storm™, I thought it time to put my money where my mouth is and buy some Apple stock!

Never done it before but it was surprisingly easy to do from across the pond.

Now I haven't sold the kids or re-mortgaged the house but I've had a little put aside in case this whole "podcasting for a living" malarky didn't work out, so I've used some of that to invest in a modest (i.e. piddling!) amount of Apple stock! I'm no Scott Bourne but hey, from little acorns grow!

So just so you know and in the interests of full disclosure, this blog is now authored by an Apple stock holder (albeit a little one!).

It's just a pity I didn't do it when Apple was $60 a share when I first became aware of the Mac ;-)

Reader Comments (3)

Out of interest, who did you use? An online dealer or your bank?

July 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersimon jacobs

Got to admit I didn't do that much research but I ended up using The Motley Fool ShareDealing Service.

Online application which was pretty seamless with a follow up letter a few days later. Standard charge of £17.50 for buying stock from offshore markets.

July 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

No, I haven't looked into it very deeply, didn't know the best route to take without paying extra charges. I'll have a look at Motley, thanks Don.

July 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersimon jacobs

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