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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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I Thought This Would be Easy!

So much for being a professional podcaster and the easy life!

I had a crazy day yesterday.

Started off by presenting to a local group of business people all about the benefits of podcasting. It went really well and got a great reaction. I'll post up the slides when I get a minute.

Then back home to prep this weeks show.

Sudden change of direction due to circumstances beyond my control so didn't get much done.

Then taxi-ing my daughter to Liverpool and back - twice

Some family time

Re-prepping this weeks show

Discovered some redirect problems with the ScreenCastsOnline site

Then staying up until 2am to participate in this weeks Mac Round table

Followed by some quick support emails until 3:20am and bed.

Up at 7am

Fixed the site, more emails and then taxi my daughter (and friends) to the train station.

Back home and record this weeks screencast.

It's now lunchtime and it's finally ready for editing but needs to be done and dusted before some friends come over this evening.

But you know, I wouldn't have it any other way!

I may just have a lazy weekend - dream on!

Reader Comments (1)

Ah, the joys of taxiing kids to and fro!
Wait till they want to go clubbing and expect to be picked up at 2 in the morning.
And discover several more kids than you took that also need to be taken home.
And that they have no idea of where one village is in relation to another - don't we go through it on the way home?

July 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercolinc

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