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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Ding! I Get FaceBook

Ok, so it took me a while and the process was a little bit painful, but I finally get FaceBook!

In case you don't know (!), FaceBook is (yet another) social networking tool/community.

Yes, I know, not another one :-)

But after playing with it for a month or two, it's providing to be surprising useful and also pretty addictive. There are elements of overlap with other tools but what is providing to be the clincher for me is the availability of plugins or applications for FaceBook that allows the sharing of data from other services based on your configuarion but more importantly, based on what friends you have and what information they are sharing.

I've now got friends from the blogosphere, podcasting, family, local businesses and those who are geographically local to me all mixed in and it's becoming quite a centralised pool of information. Only this morning, I added the upcoming application into my FaceBook account and found three events local to me that I was not aware of, automagically!

It's not the most obvious tool to get your head round but I think it deserves a screencast in the coming weeks on how to set it up and I'll demonstrate what sort of uses, I'm putting it to.

If you want to join FaceBook in the meantime and checkout my public profile, you can find me at:

Dons FaceBook Profile

To see all my profile, my friends and the applications I currently using, you'll need to register and start your own FaceBook account and add me as a friend. It's free and you never know, you might like it!

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