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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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I'm All Over The Place....

Sometimes you can have just too much choice!

camiinoshadFollowing my last post, Camino have released v1.5 which now seems to play nicely with Google Reader - hurrah!

Then, NetNewsWire goes and releases v3.0. As I mentioned previously, I use Google Reader for my RSS feeds but I did use NNW prior to that and paid for a full licence.

PicturesqueThought I'd give the new version of NNW a spin seeing as I paid for it ;)

I have to admit, I'm starting to like it again!

I seem to be able to read the posts much more quickly than with google reader?

I exported all my subscriptions from GR via OPML and imported them into NNW - There were some duplications due to the groups I've setup in GR but all seemed to work fine.

I'll leave it for a couple more days but it looks like NNW might just win out in the end.

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