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YouTube and Apple TV - Part 3

youtube_shadow.pngThis is turning out to be an even bigger deal than I first touted!

In March, UK broadcaster the BBC agreed a deal with YouTube that will see short news and entertainment clips made available through the service.

EMI yesterday also agreed a deal with YouTube that will allow its users to access videos by EMI artists - all four major labels have now reached such deals with the service.

Via MacWorld UK

Talk about a trojan horse!

Apple doesn't need to develop its own content delivery network, it just plugs Apple TV into YouTube then waits for all the content creators to sign deals to distribute content via YouTube.

YouTube: According to Moody, the YouTube update will take place in stages, beginning with the free software update for Apple TV owners in mid-June.

At launch, “thousands of videos designed for Apple TV” will be available, with additional thousands added weekly until the entire YouTube library becomes accessible to Apple TV users this fall. When asked what “designed for Apple TV” meant, Moody said that YouTube will soon be encoding videos in the H.264 streaming-efficient compression format preferred by Apple TV, and that all new videos submitted to YouTube as of the mid-June launch of the AppleTV update will be playable by the device.

From then until fall, YouTube will be encoding its entire back-catalog in H.264 format, adding videos in chunks until everything is accessible to Apple TV users. Direct links and the on-screen keyboard-based search engine mentioned in our previous update will bring you to current and old videos alike.

via iLounge

So the biggest video download service on the planet is going with H.264, the preferred video codec for Apple TV!

Good grief!

So Apples preferred codec becomes a defacto standard (OK so it's a standard already but you know what I mean!) and YouTube gets a serious quality speed bump?

Does this mean higher resolutions will be available for YouTube?

Do they still have the original content that can be re-encoded at higher resolutions?

Will they have the option to upload high resolution material mid June?

A hobby?

Classic Jobs :-)

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