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iPhone Research Results

PicturesqueJim Dalrymple over at MacWorld News has just published an interesting piece about the iPhone which sort of confirms my belief that that appeal of the iPhone will be broad.

Some especially significant nuggets of info:

The research data shows that 31 percent of 15-24 year olds; 32 percent of 25-34 year olds; and 31 percent of 35-49 year olds are interested in purchasing the iPhone. The over 50 crowd checked in with 6 percent interest in purchasing the device.

So no real age barriers then?

According to the research, 48 percent of people that will buy an iPhone currently do not own an iPod.

Wow! Nearly half of potential iPhone buyers don't have an iPod!

So much for the iPhone smashing iPod sales. iPhone will open up another huge market not to replace the iPod but to make it available to others who might not ever have purchased an iPod.


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