A Plug For ScreenCastsOnline

I donated some Extra! memberships for his anniversary show and helped him out to get his YaBB forum on-line (without any strings attached) and Frank has been kind enough to give me an extended plug on his great off the wall weekly video podcast.
How to describe The Video Sandbox with Frank Petrie™. It's not your Dad's idea of a variety show. In fact, it's not yours either. It exists only in MY head.
It's sardonic. It's off-the-cuff. It's gelatenous. It's poignant, yet in many, many ways profoundly ignorant. It's green, yet somehow blue. It is anything that I want it to be. It is anything that you want it to be.
Here's a link to the show on iTunes or checkout his website.
Check out "Episode 57: Some Episode" at about 15 minutes in.
Thanks Frank!
PS A ScreenCastsOnline Extra! membership is only $35 for 6 months not $35 each month
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for the plug. Ive corrected the screw-up on both my website and this weeks episode.
Watched your WordPress episode, SCO0097. Honestly, how do you remember all this stuff? :-)