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Whoo Hoo! - My Own Apple Store


Residents of Liverpool (UK) will no longer have to make the 35-mile drive to Manchester to enjoy an Apple store–they’re getting their own next year when the sprawling Liverpool One urban project opens in city center. The project is more than retail, also encompassing 42-acres of residential, office and open space set among five distinctly-designed districts. According to the developer, it’s intended to create, “a new and compact focal point for urban living and leisure in the 21st century Liverpool.” It will be the 14th store in the UK, behind the nine existing and four other planned stores.

via ifoAppleStore

Guess where I live!

I was in the City Center last week and the amount of building work and re-generation going on down there is absolutely mind boggling!

Good to know that a new Apple store will emerge from all of the construction work going on!

Reader Comments (1)

[...] Don tells us that Liverpool is to get its own Apple Store, only a short hop from the two existing stores in Manchester. All in all, between the shops already open and those in the pipeline, the UK has fourteen Apple stores. Ireland has none. In fact there is sod all presence for Apple in the retail market at all. O2 do a bit, as do 3G and Spectra and PC World, but there is no real Mac specialist taking the Apple brand to the people. [...]

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