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Apple TV Hacks

appleyvpic.jpgWow! This little device seems more open than I ever thought it would be!

Checkout this site - Apple TV Hacks - for info on some of the things people are finding out!

Remote Desktop on Apple TV

Upgrading the Hard Drive

Apache running on Apple TV

Enabling SSH & AFP on your Apple TV


VLC on Apple TV

And that's just after a few days!

Something fishy here though - why would Apple leave it so hackable?

Also, If a few hackers can come up with this in a few days, what will be built into Leopard to take advantage of the obvious intelligence in the box?

And as for that USB being for "servicing" only - well check out Ricky Tomlinsons catch phrase.

PS No RSS feed on Apple TV Hacks - poor show

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Reader Comments (3)

Why wouldn't Apple want to hack the AppleTV? If having a 160GB hard drive and being able to play Dvix and such can make customers happy, great! They don't advertise it, but I'm sure tons of people will now consider the Apple TV now that they know it can play those... hum... videos they legally acquired.

March 27, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

Reminds me of my Tivo Series 1 which is still doing stirling service despite Tivo withdrawing from the UK several years ago.

That ended up with me hacking it with the addition of an ethernet board and a 120GB drive upgrade - happy days!

I don't think I'll be hacking my Apple TV yet until I know what Apple have in store for it further down the line.

Or at least until Leopard is released!

March 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

I can't see the point of hacking and losing your warranty. If you want to play DivX, use a Mac Mini. And, to be honest, we know that 95% of DivX and Xvid video is from a pirate bit torrent source. H.264 from Apple looks good and will be even better if they sell 720p content.

And as for hard drive storage, why bother? I'm streaming a 640GB hard drive via the Airport Extreme Base Station and it works flawlessly. I have no need to have 640GB on the Apple TV itself.

March 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMabsey

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