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Special Apple NAB event

The well publicised Apple special event at NAB is still scheduled for April 17th.

Dubbed by Apple as "The Production Value of HD" pundits are speculating that the announcement will herald a new version of Final Cut Studio plus some new hardware, most likely the new Octo Mac Pro with 4 processors.

I've been watching the Leopard sessions from last year now that they are available via iTunes. There's a ton of stuff being added to Leopard across the board but also including the imaging and media handling components.

Now the general concensus was that the new versions of iLife and iWork were pulled from MacWorld due to the heavy reliance on Leopard technology.

So why would Final Cut Studio be ant different?

What's the odds on Apple not releasing a new version of Final Cut Studio before Leopard is out of the gate?

I would think quite high?

Could it be we may see some Leopard goodness at NAB? Perhaps it will just be a hardware launch.

Very interesting times!

If they do pull Final Cut Studio until after Leopard, this baby will be creating a massive head of steam. How the heck will they manage to launch so much new stuff in one go?

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