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Just what is Leopard?

Paul Thurrott makes an interesting observation on a recent post on the flurry of timing related questions surrounding Leopard and when it's going to make an appearance.

His take is that we're asking the wrong question!

Gotta say, that I fully agree with him.

We're now nearly at the end of March and we still don't have a clue about the final contents of Leopard. All that super secret stuff is still super secret!

Speculation about touch screen support, a new GUI, the use of the USB port on the Apple TV, the unknown components within iLife 07 and iWork 07 relying on Leopard, how time machine will work.... the list goes on and on.

Yet we are still no wiser since the last WWDC preview as to exactly what the finished Leopard will either look like or what final features it will contain. The excuse used by Steve at the last WWDC was to keep things secret so M$ didn't copy them. Probably tongue in check but Vista has been out the door for a few months and realistically, M$ would have not been able to incorporate any new features for the last 6 months.

So what's the deal?

How are the developers coping? Sure, they have access to some of the new core components within Leopard that have been mad public but what about the secret stuff- is this going to be reserved for Apple software only?

I for one, certainly expected the secret stuff to be announced at MacWorld but Leopard was not even mentioned by name - not once!

So we're still on for a Spring release and none the wiser.

Now I thought the iPhone secrecy was pretty damm impressive but I get the feeling that Leopard will be of the same magnitude.

When you see a three hour special event announced, you'll know that's the Leopard release event and I can't wait!

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