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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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New Interview on The Screening Room

Telestream (the developers of ScreenFlow) were kind enough to interview me for their blog - The Screening Room.

Of course, I was delighted but a little bit unsure as to if they'd still want me as I don't use ScreenFlow exclusively. I do use it for all my video capture and for some assembly editing, but I still use Final Cut Pro to create the final version. I raised this as a potential issue to them.

To their credit, it wasn't a problem and I received back the response:

That’s fine. My aim isn’t to promote ScreenFlow over all other products. I really want to show how everyday users are using the program, so that people can maybe learn something new and compare their own processes to yours.

Very refreshing!

Anyhow, you can read all about my current workflow over on The Screening Room Blog

Thanks to Telestream for publishing the interview

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