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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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SCOtutor on MacVoices.TV

Macvoices 1My good friend Chuck Joiner invited me onto MacVoices.TV to discuss my foray into the world of Apps.

Instigated by the recent release of SCOtutor for iPhone on iOS, we discussed various topics including the reason for going down the App route and the impact on the weekly ScreenCastsOnline shows.

I also probably said to much about my future plans!

Hopefully Chuck has been able to work wonders on the editing front, as I was still suffering a bit from my recent cough, but I'm sure he will have cut all that out.

Thanks to Chuck for extending the invitation and I hope you enjoy it.

You can find the video here, or the audio here.

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