The Parrot Is Not Dead
Well would you believe it, Apple have reversed their decision and will approve the new version of the App they had previous rejected.
I had another call out of the blue from that nice lady in Apple Developer Relations, and they had escalated the review in light of the extra functionality we had built into the App.
The bottom line is that Apple will approve the latest app - SCOtutor for iBooks Author - which is the "re-engineered" version of the App, and will re-instate the other older versions of the Apps, but I will need to bring them up to the latest version.
Not an inconsiderable amount of work, but happy to do it.
After the last phone call, I'd really given up any hope of getting the Apps re-instated and really didn't want to expend any more effort in trying to jump through hoops.
All credit to Apple for reconsidering and having the gumption to review and overturn their decision.
And thanks for all the comments of support on the blog, I'm sure that had a considerable amount to do with the about turn.
So now I can concentrate on producing my content, which is what I should be doing anyway!
Happy days and most definitely, onward and upward.
Reader Comments (9)
Common sense prevails...
excellent ;-)
Apple should stop it. It does a bad job playing censor. It gets one black eye after another.
If your app works and it doesn't spy on customers then they should approve it. Let the buyers be the judges of the value of the apps.
Good result - at last!
Great news Don!
Great news!
Good news Don, well done for sticking at it.
Very happy that Apple reconsidered. +1 for getting more sensible.
Wow! Excellent news and well done to Apple for re-thinking.