This Parrot's Dead
UPDATE: 27th August 2012 - Apple have reversed their decision and will be re-instating the SCOtutor Video Tutorial Apps into the iTunes Store.
Just taken a call from a nice lady from Apple Developer Relations.
Not to discuss the current situation about the latest rejection of the SCOtutor App from the iOS store, but just to let me know that the latest appeal has been upheld and the SCOtutor apps are just Movies. Consequently, they will not be made available via the iOS App store.
She took on board all my points and complaints about inconsistency (not that she agreed with any of them) and advised that if any other Apps were just Movies, they'd be withdrawn too.
I pointed out the huge number of video tutorials on the iTunes store, but that was met with a virtual shrug and the comment that it will take them a long time to get round all the video tutorial apps to review.
I pointed out several video tutorial apps that had been reviewed and accepted into the store THIS MONTH but still no capitulation on the fact that they considered my Apps movies.
I pointed out the rework of the SCOTutor Apps to included additional app functionality, but still they won't budge.
So I've pretty much run out of patience trying to get the Apps re-instated on the iOS store.
It's a ridiculous situation and totally unfair and worst still, unjust.
I'm extremely disappointed in Apple's position on this and I do feel they've backed themselves into a corner and don't want to lose face by changing their decision.
The battle has taken enough out of me and I'll now start looking seriously at alternative ways to produce my content, so people can get the SCOtutor videos by alternate means, rather than making it easy for my customer via the App Store.
The Mac SCOtutor apps seem immune to the craziness (for now at least).
Feel free to complain directly to Apple but I don't hold out much hope.
Such a shame.
Reader Comments (14)
A travesty Don, don't let it get you down, the work you do is invaluable.
I had a similar issue with an app I submitted. They said it didn't have enough functionality and I tried the "but what about these apps you accepted" technique as well with similar results.
They want you to add something to the app but they won't tell you what it is.
Don, I'm very disappointed too. You'd think that Apple would have "Embraced" your Apps as a valuable training resource for every Apple Customer. I really like the new Magazine Format, so maybe that or even an iBook offering would be another option.
Don't let Apple's inconsistent policies get you down... Your Training Content is The Best!
Hi Don,
After reading your post of the open letter to Apple the other day, I had a think. Apple should open up iTunes U for Paid content such as I would love to subscribe to your content and others and have a catalog for users to find tutorials and courses on any subject.
Sorry but i agree with Apple they are/were movies.........
I'm sorry to hear about Apple's position on the matter but hope they reconsider. Your services only increase the value of their products to their customers!
Here's another theory Don: Apple want to make the same tutorials themselves. Wouldn't put it past them based on history.
Sorry to hear this. Is Apple also removing your apps from the Mac App Store? Or just iOS?
Frustration must double when one is making one's living out of those arrongant bunch of square heads . I am sure you will find a feasible alternative and you can count on my support. All the best.
Don, sorry to hear it - I am sure you have thought about a lot of alternatives - how about turning them into iBooks?
Secondly - applications that run on Mac's sell them directly from SCO..
I am so sorry, Don. It is a crime what has been going on with your ScoTutor Apps.
There is no malware code. No malicious nothing, and because it has been "Labeled" by some Apple employee as a MOVIE, it now has no validity or value in the app store. I have two ScoTutor Applications in addition to a subscription to Screencastsonline (Both Ios and Mac) and I love the ScoTutor Applications! I don't need to search and they are always there.
Please find another way to distribute them. This frankly is a travesty for these ScoTutor Apps actually promote APPLE products. I don't get it.
I am so sorry.
Ken Wolf
Artistic Director
Manhattan Repertory Theatre
As much as we love Apple for the products and the quality we hate it for these stupid behaviors. Shame, lame, fail.
I'm so sorry Don. Apple looks completely ridiculous with their inconsistency in this area. The problem, from my view, is they are this capricious in one area, how much does this spill over to other areas?
They may end up running themselves into the ground simply by using such tactics for no other reason than "because we said so" (which might work well for mothers talking to 2 year olds, but does not works so well when dealing with adults). I hope you are able to salvage something from this. You do fantastic work.
Absolutely disgraceful. Apple should hang their heads in shame.
Apple, a company that once prided itself on thinking outside of the box and providing exemplary service towards developers and customers, seems to have let recent success go to its head. Every day there now seem to be this relentless stream of bad press and news stories, documenting Apple being evil and emulating the very competitors it once pointed fault at.
Its a real shame that Apple decided (still for some unknown reason) to go on the defensive against SCOtutor, rather than keeping level-headed and applying some common sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple has decided to nab the idea of SCOtutor for its own use, as they have been known to do with other app store rejections.
Don, you should really consider a complete video course documenting setup and use of Ubuntu Linux. Windows 8 is looking like another Vista disaster again, and I think Ubuntu is going to become a major OS over time - even some of us experts are thinking of making the switch. There is certainly demand for better video courses covering Ubuntu. IMO, I think opensource is the future.