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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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ScreenCastsOnline - New HTML5 Video Player Available

I'm delighted to announce a new update to the ScreenCastsOnline website - a new customised HTML5 video player to view the tutorials.

Previously, if you tried to watch any of the videos directly from the website, they would appear in a "lightbox" with minimal controls.

Now, the video page has been redesigned and the videos play on the page, with some customised playback controls and with support for subtitles.

The video player now shares the same look and feel as the playback controls in the SCOtutor apps and includes a volume control, a scrubber, rewind and fast forward buttons, a new download button, a subtitle toggle, a very neat focus control to dim the page and a full screen option.

We've also included a new option to mark a video as watched on the page itself.

The player works for both the Mac and iOS videos (check out how it handles the iOS videos - one of my favourite features) as well as support for the individual chapters found in the Chapter tab.

It will take a while for us to tweak all the videos to support the new subtitle and chapter features, but the most recent videos and all new videos will be fully supported.

As with any new feature, there may be a few teething problems, most of which may be resolved by updating your Safari cache or restarting Safari. If you have any problems, just drop me a note at

I've included a short video below, demoing some of the new features.

Props go to Jamie Peak for the awesome design and coding of the updated player and page.

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