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Magic Trackpad Update

After a week or so of using of the Magic Trackpad, I'm still using it as my primary input device for general day to day computing on the Mac Pro.

Some observations...

  • I need to retrain myself to use the full size of the trackpad. After years of using a smaller trackpad in various laptops, I keep lifting my finger and relocating it as though it's much smaller in size than it actually is. I'm not making use of the full surface area. Really hard to break the habit!

  • I have needed to move the trackpad away from the keyboard rather than placing it hard up against the keyboard as in last weeks show. I've found that it's too easy to touch the trackpad accidentally when too close to the keyboard.

  • Still keep getting two and three fingered gestured confused - I've started to use three fingered gestures for selecting text and moving windows, I keep also trying to use three fingered gestures for scrolling too!

  • The convenience of just reaching out to the trackpad without having to locate the mouse or pick up a pen is liberating.

  • The smooth surface of the trackpad is a delight.

  • For video editing, I still use my Wacom Intuos 4 pen tablet. I tried to use the trackpad in FCP for an hour or two, but soon realised I needed the precision and accuracy of the pen for my video editing. That's not to say you couldn't use the trackpad for video editing, but I need speed and precision to meet the self imposed work schedule of producing the show each week.

  • With having the trackpad next to the keyboard on the right, and then having the Intuos 4 pen tablet to the right of that, I keep finding myself reaching out to the pen tablet without the pen, and being surprised when it doesn't respond to my touch. Certainly makes me appreciate more the smoothness of the surface of the trackpad in comparison.

In summary, I'm still liking the trackpad immensely, so much more than my initial trials of the Magic Mouse.

I'm not sure it is for everyone, but you'll probably not find that out until you've used one for a couple of days.

Reader Comments (7)

I'm glad you posted a review of this. I have been contemplating weatheror not I should get one. I live no where near an Apple Store to try one either. But you always have good reviews and if you say something is good, it is. I'm sold.

Be sure to follow me on twitter. @Chris_Sorensen

August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Sorensen

I was looking forward to your thoughts about the trackpad and they are a good read. I have been using the Magic Trackpad since Saturday and I am very pleased. I haven't touched my Mouse ever since.

A little side note: inspired by your enthusiasm using your pen tablet I thought, it might be interesting to use the trackpad together with a Pogo stylus like a pen tablet (for instance when editing pictures). Well, it works, but not that good as I would like it to. You can use the Pogo Stylus on the Magic Trackpad, but when I "click" using the Pogo Stylus on the trackpad, it does not feel very smooth. I use "tap to click" with my fingers on the Magic Trackpad and for some reason that won't work with the Pogo stylus (the Trackpad does not notice the actual "tap"). So, I have to use the hardware click feature of the trackpad in order to click with a Pogo Stylus. And doing that feels a bit uncomfortable, when editing pictures (not precise enough). If "tap to click" worked with the Pogo Stylus on the Magic Trackpad, I would be very happy. But well, Apple has designed the Trackpad to use it with your fingers. And like you said, it can be a big time saver not to have to locate your mouse or your stylus and just to start using your fingers.

And I do love the multitouch gestures. I have been using them quite a bit.

Thanks for your thoughts on the trackpad!

August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

I cannot decide wether to get a Magic TrackPad or a Magic Mouse, I have no problem with the mouse so its just picking one or the other. :/

August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

Great review Don.

I got my Magic Trackpad on Friday, and I've been using it for about 5 days now. Overall I'm very happy with it. I can't work out if it's less accurate than a mouse, or if I just need to get used to it. I'm having trouble moving it consistently to an exact point on the screen. I normally overshoot, which means I'm constantly having to correct my movements. It's a little frustrating, but I'm going to stick with it to see if I get better.

I've found that in using the Magic Trackpad my lower palm is getting a lot of contact with my desk, which it never used to before when I had a mouse and mouse pad. My lower palm is getting quite a bit of pressure on it, which not only makes it ache, but makes it stick to my desk after a few hours. Fortunately I've found a solution. Wearing a wristband/sweatband takes the pressure away, and allows your hand to glide effortlessly across your desk without sticking to it. I know it sounds silly, but it really helps.

August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlan

I haven't tried or bought this new toy, and I probably won't. I don't use a mouse anymore, I use my Intuos4.

Besides the precision of the pen, I make heavy use of the Radial Menu feature for switching apps, hiding apps (my favorite), Expose, plus others. Plus custom settings for some apps.

The pen seldom leaves my hand, even when doing some quick typing. It just naturally rotates in my fingers to a position for quick typing. I do remove it when typing is my primary activity.

I just can't see the need for another input method that doesn't really bring any real benefit over the Intuos. It may be "cool" to control my iMac with touch capabilities, but the Intuos also is "cool."

So for now, I'm not buying this new toy, but will continue to observe just in case I see something that produces an "I gotta have it" moment.

August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTerry Norton

Hi Don,

Thanks for the thoughts - I am swithering between one of these and a Wacom Pen & Touch. The Pen & Touch providing the added accuracy and pressure level support for photoshop. I have the full sized aluminium keyboard with number pad so the Magic Trackpad is not quite such a perfect match.

What are your thoughts about abandoning my Logitech MX revolution (which I love), with steermouse and changing to one or other of these pads? Do you think the Wacom would be an adequate mouse replacement? Do you think the Magic Pad could cut it for photoshop & lightroom?

August 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKevin


I have your exact setup short of Steermouse and I bought a Wacom Pen & Touch just before the Magic Trackpad came out. I can't speak to the Magic Trackpad's usability experience because I haven't tried it. However, at least in my experience, if you like your MX Revolution then you might not like the Wacom Pen & Touch pen-as-mouse feature. The touch functions are fine but I don't think they're as extensive as the Magic Trackpad either. As far as your keyboard, the Magic Trackpad won't match a wired keyboard in looks quite as well as a wireless but they do match in slant (see

August 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRoss

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