ScreenCastsOnline Testimonials

I've now got over 1200 testimonials from satisfied ScreenCastsOnline viewers and I'm looking for an effective way to publish them.
Following on from a Liverpool Social Media Cafe event, Alison Gow expounded the merits of several tools to visualise information. One of them was Wordle.
So I thought I'd give it a go.
First I extracted the testimonials into Pages and copied and pasted the entire text into Wordle.
The resultant output showed the most common words being ScreenCastsOnline, Don, Mac. As these aren't really very useful, I deleted them from the text and resubmitted.
This produced the following word cloud:
You can click on the image to see a larger version or see the original on the Wordle site - Link
I think it's a great way to get the overall gist of the comments - what about you?
Here's another version with some additional words removed (Screencasts, tutorials, etc)
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Don,
What a clever tool. Very cool And artistic too. Very visual. Love it.
Ooh- what a great idea Don! I may have to use this for one of my shows. Thanks for sharing. I think these keywords suit you well!