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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Macworld Schedule

Well I promised a quick update about my Macworld schedule so here it is:


Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th
Nothing official planned so I'll be generally mooching around and attending some of the sessions. And putting the final touches to my sessions for later in the week.


Thursday 11th 
Morning: Expo Floor Opens - Around the show floor
15:00 User Conference Session: US927: Taking Accessibility to the Next Level in Snow Leopard
18:00 NosillaCastaways Meetup


Friday 12th
10:00 User Conference Session: US941: Mac Productivity Bootcamp
13:00 User Conference Session: US981: ScreenCasting 101
18:30 Twit Meetup: Marriott on 4th Street


Saturday 13th
10:30 MacRoundtable Podcast


There are several "keynote" type sessions from David Pogue, Leo Laporte, John Gruber et al so I'll probably turn up for some of those. Of course, there's also the obligatory "Networking events" in the evenings I'll probably go along to as well. 
If you're at Macworld this week, be sure to say hello!


Reader Comments (2)

Jet lag's showing here Don - Dates!

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Reid

I hope you get your dates squared away before you leave SF. Otherwise Don, you'll be a day late for your flight.
Don't take it serious, we all know you have a problem with dates and days of the week. Me too. :-)

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAPSharman

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